Summary of the concert of August 27th, 2003 How to start this story of August 27th, 2003… Begin at the beginning. At first I was not going to go to The Olympia, I had my seats for the concert in Pau, on October 18th. Then, the most beautiful day of my life came. THE DAY: The 10th of April, 2003, such a shock to see my little fairy walking in to a shoe store! I’m not going to rehash that story to you, I think you know it. At the moment she had to leave, I asked her when we would see each other again, and she told me “Well, we’ll see each other at the recording of the show, but all the same, I invite you to The Olympia! And that, second shock: ALIZÉE HAD INVITED ME, ME, TO THE OLYMPIA!! So, I could make arrangements later with Olivier and the record label to finalize the date upon which I would go, and how it would be handled: it would be August 27th, 2003, I had to pick up my invitations (Alizée invited me, with my mom, and a person of my choice, in this case it was my boyfriend at the time) from Geoffroy (somebody from the record label) who would await me at the entrance of the hall, and I’d get my backstage passes from Olivier once inside the hall. You can imagine my eagerness… I’d already seen Lili again for the recording of Stars a Domicile the 25th of June, 2003, and I’d known I’d see her again only a month and a half later. But that month and a half was the longest of my life, I think: I only thought about one thing, The Olympia! Besides, I had prepared a pennant: a big pennant with a Tinkerbell in the center of the design, and written on it was “Alizée, you are my Tinkerbell.” Still, August 27th arrived!! In the morning, I took a plane from Bordeaux, destination, PARIS!! Upon arrival, we went to our hotel, just two steps from The Olympia, and we made the best of a beautiful afternoon to explore the capitol a bit (Eiffel Tower, etc…) We would meet up at 1830 to pick up our invitations. At 1830, we went to The Olympia. First thing upon arrival, I went to a ticket counter to ask if Geoffroy was there, or if he’d dropped off our invitations. The woman responded no, and that she’d not seen him. I started to feel anguish building in me: maybe he’d forgotten us? And what if he didn’t come?? The longer I waited, the more stressed I was. Even more, there was a great buzz all around me, fans getting in to the hall. It was at that moment that I met David, the president of the AFC (Alizée Fan Club) who asked if they could interview me for the next magazine. I immediately accepted, obviously! The thing was, Geoffroy hadn’t arrived! And then, about 1900, I saw a man matching the description they’d given me who was approaching me! He said “Hello Jessica!” (Already, I was super-amazed that he recognized me!) “Here are your three invitations from Alizée! May I accompany you to your seats?” Oof, total relief, he was there! We went towards the hall, my heart beating faster and faster, and then we went in to the hall. There, I immediately recognized Alizée’s dad, who gave me a big smile! We were sitting just a row behind them. Alizée’s parents and brother came over together and said hello, and congratulated me on my appearance on the show (I can’t believe it, Alizée’s parents were the ones thanking and congratulating me for Stars a Domicile!) Her dad told me “There’s a photo of you and Alizée on the internet that’s wonderful! It’s when you arrived on the stage and you throw yourself in to her arms! You’ll see it, it’s so beautiful!” I didn’t even know what to say!!! lol. I was hardly keeping my emotions in check, so excited by the idea of seeing the concert, when Olivier arrived. He said, “There you are, here are your three passes. Clip them on your t-shirt at the end of the concert, once everybody has left. I’ll come find you and take you backstage.” There it was, I had the passes, now I was sure to see Lili again! The hall was still filling, it was 1930. I took advantage of it to go buy some promo items: the program, the mug, the Gourmandises bag, and the key fob. Then, as I turned my head, I picked out Emma Daumas and Fabien a couple rows behind me! And then, the lights dimmed! The opening act (One-T) began. At any rate, I liked her a lot! Then the lights came up and I ran for the bathroom! While returning, I plowed right in to Alizée’s dad!! How humiliating! Finally, the lights went out: my heart has never beaten so fast! The moment I’d awaited for two years had arrived: seeing Lili on stage! The Intralizée began… I had shivers all over! Then, the scrim fell to reveal the set! You can’t imagine my surprise to see a huge pink shoe enthroned in the center of the stage!! (I hadn’t looked at the previous concert stories on the internet, to preserve the surprise!) The shoe turned, and revealed Lili, who was singing L’Alizé. MAG-NIF-I-CENT! My mouth hung open, faced with that little doll who was descending from the top of her shoe. She was so beautiful! Then came Hey Amigo ! That’s it, I was swept away by the concert: I sang everything, making sure not to sing too loud and do anything too silly, lest I find myself the center of attention for all the people from the label, and Alizée’s family… It was in Toc de Mac that I broke down, during the instrumental at the end, when Lili is spinning around and around. I found that moment of the concert the most moving… Each time I watch it, I get choked up, on the verge of tears. True, the song is happy, but to see Lili like that on stage… Oh, I don’t know, it touches me enormously, and I can’t explain! Seeing me bawling my eyes out, Geoffroy, who was at my boyfriend’s side, said “It’s ok, don’t cry, you’ll miss the concert!” At that moment, Alizée’s dad turned around and gave me a tender smile… I revived my spirits at that time, and kept a grip on myself until the concert finished. It was magical. I didn’t really realize what was coming to me!!! I even saw Mylene sitting near the console, she was just a couple meters from me! Then, at the end of the concert, I waited for people to leave the hall to clip on my pass. I’d just had the time to do that when Olivier arrived. Default Part 2 He took us down a passage, then a door, propelling us, one could say, in to the world of show-biz! We were in the room one sees during the Mon Kanar interview! There, I saw Emma, Fabien, Alizée’s parents and brother, and lots of people who I didn’t know! Then Lucas from FunTV saw me and said “Jessica! I saw you on Stars a Domicile! That was very moving, great job!” I was only able to manage a tiny, intimidated “thank you,” though later I pulled it together enough to talk with him a bit! Anyway, I noticed that Lili wasn’t there. Olivier came over to me and told she’d arrived! Then there appeared a beautiful Lili: She had an orange, white, and black tank top, black pants that sagged a bit to reveal white boxers with a picture of Betty Boop on the front, and was wearing army-boot style converse. She had her hair clipped up with a black barrette (a bit like the photos in “Voici” with Jérem). She was so beautiful!!! She quickly saw me and gave me a big kiss. Then she said hello to my mom, and recognized my boyfriend, who she saw in a photo in my room during Stars a Domicile (what a memory she has!). I had my Tinkerbell pennant: she said to me: “May I have that? I want to put it in my dressing room!” I gave her my pennant with the Tinkerbell on it and her photographer got a picture of us side by side together. We chatted a bit, then she told me she’d come back to see me in a bit, because she had to go talk a bit with the other guests: she headed off towards Emma Daumas and Fabien; it seemed like they got along well. For our part, we talked with Alizée’s dad a good while, and he pointed out at one point that Mylene’s sister had just walked by me! Then I said to myself “That’s right, Mylene! She was there during the concert! Maybe I’m going to see her!!” Then, I recognized Laurent Boutonnat who passed by me, but no Mylene. I talked with some other very nice people: they were Alizée’s cousins! Then, suddenly, a huge silence fell over the room: MYLENE HAD ENTERED THE ROOM!! Dressed in a denim ensemble, with a white sweater tied around her waist, she talked in to her chauffeur’s ear, and then returned to her room. At that time, the noise and discussions started back up. And me, I was there, Silent and frozen: I had just seen Mylene less than a meter from me!!! I then continued to talk with the dancers (who knew me as well!) and picked up my discussion with Alizée’s dad, who recounted anecdotes about her! Then Olivier came to me and said “When everybody has left, we’ll go into the dressing room, just you, your family, and me!” That started around half-past midnight! I was able to give her my gifts, and then we talked, ate candy, and took photos. After an hour in the dressing room, Lili had to leave: it was late, and she had to go to bed, worn out from the concert. We said goodbye, and promised to see each other again soon: Olivier promised to give us backstage passes at Pau! Very happy, I knew that I’d see Lili a month and a half later, the 18th of October! We went our separate ways, and left via the artists’ entrance at the back of The Olympia. At that hour, there’s only one way to get home: taxi. But we didn’t have the number to call a taxi: so Alizée’s cousins, who left The Olympia as well, called a cab for us: so kind! Like I say, Corsicans are brilliant!!!! lol. So there, it is finished… When I arrived at the hotel room, I didn’t understand what I’d just lived: I’d lived for three hours what Lili gets to live every day… I couldn’t get a grip on it. That evening was the most beautiful of my life. I had a lot of trouble going to sleep that evening, and I knew the next day I’d be going back home. I’ll return, and the moment I’d so awaited will have passed. I took the plane the next day, head full of memories, and eyes full of stars. I will never forget this moment, that has affected me forever. It’s because of moments like this that I tell myself I’m lucky to be a fan… The people who aren’t, never lived the same emotions… And me, I’m proud to be a fan of that little piece of a woman, full of energy and generosity, and who is today a mother who, I am certain, is formidable… Alizée, I love you and I’ll support you always, whatever your choices. Thank you for all the moments you’ve allowed me to live, thank you for everything. I hope you’ll be back very soon… Thank you also to Geoffroy from the record label, a huge thank you to Olivier for all he’s done for me, thank you to Alizée’s family, in particular her dad, for their kindness, thank you to all those who were there that night, thank you to Mylene for being there, because without her all this would never be, thank you to my mom to whom I own everything, and finally thank you to my little fairy, to whom I owe all these emotional moments. Thank you, I love you. __________________