18, 03:57 AM Edsel Di Meo's Avatar Edsel Di Meo Edsel Di Meo is offline Senior Member Join Date: Mar 2018 Age: 20 Posts: 129 Edsel Di Meo is on a distinguished road Default Alizée Planet Interviewed Jessica Gougner 30/9/18 Alizée planet just interviewed Jessica and i when i saw this i thought it was worthy to translate, since the interview is only avaliable in french and spanish. 1) how did you feel when you had Alizée in front of you, that 2003 afternoon ? I could not believe it ! several minutes passed until i could realise what was actually going on. Why me ?, How have i been chosen ?, Since when this surprise was planned ? i was wondering a lot of things. But overall i was happy to have my dream girl in front of me. 2)What moment do you remember the most about your reencounter with Alizée in 2003 and why ? i remember as if it were yesterday to have seen that camera entering the shop, when the music started and then Alizée walked through the door... I really couldn't understand what was even happening. 3) before the surprise, did you suspect anything from your family ? No because everyone was acting normally however it took weeks to set up the surprise 4)How long did Alizée stay in your house during the meeting, and what did you do ? We were together for about 3 hours, since the surprise until she left my house. We stayed for a moment at the store and then a car came to take us to my house. There i gave her a quick tour of my room, we celebrated for the surprise before she went back to Paris and after that i realised what just happened. 5)What happened behind the scenes during the encounter, was there any important moment that didn't appear on TV? What was broadcasted represents the moment perfectly. There were some deleted scenes, which I keep secret. like looking each other in the eyes in my room :smirk: 6)We know that Alizee gave you her phone number, How long have you been in touch after the surprise? And what kind of topics were brought up? We were in touch for several months, maybe two years. Later, she split with Mylene, had her daughter and retired from media life. That's when our exchanges were fewer. But we talked about everything and nothing, about my family, my daily life (and hers, promos, etc) She also invited me and my family to the Paris Olympia, where I saw her backstage after the show. What a wonderful thing to see her again! 7) What was the most interesting thing Alizée told you ? Nothing amazing, as I imagined she was very accessible. 8) Did you and Alizée meet again after "Stars a Domicile"? If so, tell us about it. As I said above, we met several times after her concerts, and lately, since I work with shows, we have seen each other in many other places as well (including Mylene's last concerts and artists' galas, where she performed with Grégoire). 9) Did your perspective of Alizee change after the surprise? Yes, that definitely changed my perspective because I met the person instead of the artist. She became accessible and now since I'm married, a mother, and working in this stuff I am much more retrospective. I'm very glad every time we see each other. But I truly remember how I felt when I was fifteen years old; my admiration had no limits. When I remember this, I smile. 10) Have you ever visited Alizée's house in Ajaccio ? I have been in Ajaccio so many times but i never gone to her house because I respect her privacy. 11) On TV you talked about a dream you had the night before the concert, what was it ? As i said on TV, I dreamt about our encounter and she finally appeared ! 12) Do you still have your Alizée collection ? I left it at my parent's house, when my husband and I moved to Paris i didn't bring anything with me. 13)What is your favorite era of Alizée (Gourmandises, MCE) and why ? My favorite era is and will always be "Gourmandises" 14)Did you keep in contact with Alizée ? Directly no, but when we see each other again we are always very happy to see each other again ! Merci Jessica This is pretty much it ! i hope you guys liked it ! Link: http://www.facebook.com/notes/ali%C9...5703044450017/ Last edited by Edsel Di Meo; 10-04-2018 at 10:22 AM..