fandalizee: Why PSYCHEDELICES? Big kisses, you're awesome! Alizée: Good evening everyone, thanks for being here. We're going to spend an hour together...Ask me your questions. [answering fandalizee's question] This idea came from Jean Fauque, the author of the song; it summarizes what you can find in this album: "Psyché" for the different sounds and pyschedelics and "délice" (delicacies) for the sweet pop side of the album. jerome: Will you do Les Enfoirés this year? Alizée: Yes, I'm delighted to take part in this adventure again. bousch: since your success with your two albums, how are you preparing the release of mademoiselle juliette? Alizée: I couldn't wait to have people discover the new worlds in this album, the new collaborations, and I hope that the public will like or discover the new sounds and new themes explored in this album. Lololugdu: Good evening Alizée, thank you and bravo for your return, a new Alizée that I love, is a concert tour in the works? Would it be big venues and big shows like 2003 or different? In any case I'll be there in Lyon, kisses. Alizée: The concert tour is planned in France for autumn 2008, I'm working on it, I'll do a concert where I'll surround myself, if possible, with musicians that worked on this album, I hope for dancers but especially hope to surprise the public, make them travel and dream... heyheyhey!: What song corresponds to you the most in "Psychédélices"? Alizée: "L'effet" is a song about my daughter, the song that comes closest to me. chnounette: Hello Alizée, it seems that you're friends with Jenifer, when will you two perform a duet? Anyway, keep going, your new album is great!!! Alizée: Why not on the Restos du Coeur! julie: Where did you get your tattoo, which shop, it's really beautiful? Bravo, your new album is really good!!!! Alizée: Thank you very much. My tattoo was done by one of the top French tattoo artists, Tin-Tin. chika: Is it true that the song "décollage" will be the second single? Alizée: The new single hasn't yet been chosen, but "Décollage" is one of the songs I'd like to release as a single. willy: Alizée, is this album intended for your public in France or did you also wish to renew your ties to your foreign fanbase in this way? Alizée: My album was done with the idea of pleasing the largest number of you fans, French and foreign (also, English words are used in a lot of my songs: never more, lonely list, lilly town, etc). It looks like the year 2008 will be the year of voyages :-) coco2406: Did you compose any of the songs on your album? Alizée: I didn't compose any songs, but I had the opportunity to be able to work as a team with the talented composers who have brought a lot of things to me, personally and musically. Frédéric Lo, Bertrand Burgalat, Jérémy Chatelain, Kore... tiffany: Hi Alizée, what's your best memory of the recording of the album? Alizée: During the recording of the song about my daughter, "L'effet" with Bertrand Burgalat. It was the first time I had recorded a song as quickly as that, and as rich in emotion. Maribel: Are you planning to come to U.S.A.? we really love you and we hope you can come here because we really do love you a lot!!!!! Alizée: I hope so, I haven't forgotten about you... links: Hello Alizée...With this new album you say you've grown up! But don't you think you're still a big kid at heart? Come when you want to Mimizabn beach lol! Kisses alizoo Alizée: I've obviously grown up, since I'm now 23 years old, the album's cover well expresses my attitude, I'm barely into my adult life and I'm still a young girl. Franck: You're so beautiful! What feelings and different things did you want to express in the first music video? Who had the idea behind the story? Alizée: It was the director's idea, inspired by my desires. The idea was to mix different time periods with a reference to one of my favorite films, "Marie Antoinette" by Sofia Copolla and to keep the clothing style in 2007-2008. mel: How do you manage to balance your promotion and your personal life? Alizée: I try to organize my days to be able to make the most of my family life and my professional life. Seb02: Hi Alizée (Delighted to meet you ^^), Are you anxious to meet your fans during your upcoming concerts? (Anyway, good luck and thanks for being here ^^!) Alizée: Thank you. I really can't wait to be able to share my new songs with the public onstage, especially since I've only done one tour since the start of my career. Speedy: Lili, do movies entice you? Alizée: For now I haven't had a script that I've fallen in love with. I'm waiting for the chance when I'll have more time because music is a full-time job. k0r0: Hi Alizée. What do you think of your fans, since you've returned? Are they still as numerous as before? Alizée: I've been fortunate to have a fanbase that has always supported me (by the Internet messages, the mail I receive) and I hope that they will appreciate this new album and that it will meet their expectations. Thank you all for your messages, I try to read them all, they're very motivating for creating and advancing my music. Blond'Wave: We always see you smiling, kind and pleasant! Where do you get all this energy and this joie de vivre? (Good luck! Kisses!) Alizée: I'm very happy to be in this profession. I'm really lucky, I hope that it will continue and especially, the public gives me so much that I feel like they carry me. Julien-AFC: What did you miss the most during these almost four years of absence?! Alizée: The sharing with the public. When you're in the studio, and you're making these songs, you only have one wish: to share them with as many people as possible. Speedy: Do you visit the forums that are dedicated to you, to know what your fans think of your album and of you...? Alizée: I visit them when I have the time :-). Right now it's really hard! But I did a lot of browsing around during the recording of the alubm; it motivated me for its creation. yanniis.a.: What do you think of the rumors that suggest you're angry with Mylène Farmer? Alizée: They're only rumors. We split on very good terms. Mylène is someone that I appreciate very much, that I respect as well, and especially, she's the one who taught me everything, and I wouldn't be here today if I hadn't met her. little hily: What can we look forward to in 2008? Alizée: A very beautiful concert tour... indo.m'a.dit: A rumor of a rumor of collaboration with Indochine...Nicola Sirkis said "It's not false, it's not done", do you think you'll do one someday... Alizée: I met Nicolas Sirkis at the beginning of the creation of my album. We were supposed to work together but their album and their tour took too much time... mel: Christmas in Corsica or in Paris? Alizée: Christmas in Paris for the first time since I was born, but I'll run right back home afterward!!! Alessandro+R: Ciao Alizée...Who is the photographer who took the pictures for the Psychédélices promo? Alizée: The photographer's name is Nathalie Canguilhem, she had the idea for the album cover, and she helped me a lot with my current look. Julien-AFC: What do you think of the incredible welcome extended to you my the Mexicans, the Germans...? Even after this long absence... Alizée: I'm pleasantly surprised with their welcome (even though I've never been there) I'm planning on a trip to Mexico in February 2008. That will give me the opportunity to thank them, to meet them and to enjoy the country. seventyfive: During the Moi Lolita era, a rumor supposed that Mylène had participated in the chorus: true/false? Alizée: I was lucky to work with her, she brought a lot to me, and she "winked at me" in a few songs where she did indeed sing in the chorus. It's now time to go, best wishes for this new year, thank you for your fidelity and your support. Let's meet up again next year for new Psychédélices adventures :-)