Le Grand Journal 1 - Le Grand Journal live, with Murielle Dumas and Alizée. So, Alizée’s third album is releasing the 3rd of December, it’s the sneak peak this evening. You’ve had a short career, as you are so young, but it’s a career made in spectacular fashion and quite phenomenal. You were originally found in a casting by Mylène Farmer, but I know everybody knows that story, and that the first single was a huge success. For our own pleasure, the first single by Alizée, and then we’ll bring you up to speed just afterward. (Moi Lolita plays) (L’Alizé plays) (Gourmandises plays) (J’en ai marre ! plays) (J’ai pas vingt ans plays) 1 - You’ve gotten married, you had a little girl, and you’ve left… A – My producers, yes 1 - Mylène Farmer, yes, your producers 2 – You cut the ties A – I wanted to take time for myself, because those four years were really packed. I traveled to a lot of countries, because my discs sold well there, and I was very busy for four years without pause, so I took some time for myself, took a step back to recuperate and reflect on everything that had happened, and think about what I wanted to do, voila. 2 -You had doubts? A – No, I didn’t doubt myself, but at the same time, I said to myself “I’m 20 years old,” so I couldn’t sing the same stuff as when I was 15. Voila. I wanted to do something with what I’d learned, because I think I’ve gone to a very good school, the school of Mylène Farmer and Laurant Boutonnat, who’d done everything, and produced my discs, voila, I launched myself 1 - You learned well from them, and then said “Now, it’s on my shoulders” A – Voila, and I wanted to meet new people, see what had happened elsewhere, and to go out and find new experiences. 2 - Was being a celebrity so early, so young, it’s true when we see the images that you were 15 or 16, Was it too much? Did it wear you out? What do you think about those years now? Do you think it was a mistake? 1 - Mireille Dumas is asking if you had a childhood (laughter) 3 - No no! I thinking about hearing her saying “I’m 20 years old,” I’m saying to myself “We’ve all been hit by aging, all around the table!” (laughter) A – No, in fact, I’ve honestly proud of what I’ve done, I’ve made the most of what came to me, voila, I had everything on a silver platter, and now that disc sales have changed, I’m happy to had had success before, to have made the most of time, and to have been able to sell lots of albums. 1 – The golden age, yes. Here’s hoping the third album sells well for you, and that it goes well, for it’s highly anticipated. You have a public made of fans, and they’re not bad here. Fans – Yeah! 1 - So Jérémy Chatelain produced the disc. Your husband, also well known to the public. And then you’ve got participants like Jean Fauques, who wrote “Osez Joséphine” for Bashung, who did 7 songs out of 10. Daniel Darc… You’ve changed universes. A - Yes. My desire was to unite artists from somewhat different worlds, like Oxmo Pucino, who’s a rapper, and Bertrand Burgalat, who’s really never been seen doing urban, I wanted to unite the sounds from various albums I have at home that I like. I don’t just like rock, I don’t just like urban, I like lots of things. I follow my heart, and that’s what I wanted to present with this album 1 - The first single from it is Mademoiselle Juliette, don’t look for it in stores, it comes out December 3rd A – December 3rd, yes 1 - We have a sneak peak tonight. Who is Mademoiselle Juliette? A – Mademoiselle Juliette is the Juliet all the world knows, Juliet and Romeo, from William Shakespeare. It’s about what Juliet wants to do, in her head. 1 -…and you play with that idea, you start with her. Let’s go (Mademoiselle Juliette plays) 1 - Voila! The first single from this album. It’s incredible! The disc hasn’t released, but it’s on the internet, these folks here know it by heart! 2 - How do you know that song? Fans – Downloading! 2 - Downloading? Fans – Legally! 2 - Legally, to be exact. 4 – Well played! (laughter) 3 - Sneak peaks are done with! 1 – Yes, it goes very very fast. At the moment, do you have that justifiable fear with the internet that perhaps your album will escape you? Because I’ve seen that there are different versions out there A – Yes, as a matter of fact, one of the songs from the album, called Fifty-Sixty, which wasn’t intended to be the first single, has been released on the internet, un-mixed and un-mastered The studio assistants wanted to have some fun, but so be it 2 – It looks like there were fans that cried and said “I don’t like it!” because it wasn’t a finished product. A – Yes, then even with Mademoiselle Juliette, prior to its release, people were having fun remixing it, even though it wasn’t the original version, but hey, at the same time the buzz that alone generated… I ask nothing 1 - There’s also buzz about a song called Idéalizée on your album, about a singer who powders herself a lot, that boozes a bit, which we’ve never seen with… A – Ah no, that’s not it, no no 2 - Who is it about? A – Me? (laughs) Haha, yes, me 1 - Ah, we don’t really know you! A – No, it’s Jean Fauques who knew a young girl in the 80’s, who had troubles, and wanted to end her life 1 – Yes, because there are nasty rumors claiming “it’s a jab at Mylène Farmer” because we’ve asked you so much about that story 2 -You seem very serene about that relationship though A – Yes. For me everything is going well, I make music, I’m happy, voila. 2 – In any case, you have the air of one who knows what you want 1 - Julien Doré’s adaptation of Moi Lolita… do you like it? A – Yes, I find it cool. That it came 7 years afterwards, to reprise a song. that’s rare. Usually you have to wait 20 years. 1 - An homage like that, so quickly… 3 - She’s so mature! She’s fresh, and at the same time, so mature! 2 – Yes, it’s true. She knows what she wants. Do you think about 20 years from now? 30 years from now? A – Never. I’m still very superstitious, I prefer not to try and anticipate the future. 1 - The role of Jérémy Chatelain? A – Composer, and producer with Sylvain Carpentier 3 – She’s such a pro! 1 - There you have it Muriel. Loads of maturity, lots of planning 1 - In good form tonight. The third album of Alizée available the 3rd of December. It’s called Psychédélices 2 - Is that a real tattoo of Tinkerbell? A – Yes 2 - It’s a big Tinkerbell on your back? A – Yes, like this 2 - Why did you get it? A – Because I’m a fan of Tinkerbell 1 - There we see it 2 - Yes, it’s pretty 1 - Thank you for joining us on the stage for Le Grand Journal (commences talking about the Sunday show, behind the scenes of a puppet show, and thanking people for being there)