1st January 2001 Appearance on “Megamix Club” on channel RTL. Source tinkalizée). See also 27th of December. 13th January 2001 Alizée sings “L’Alizé” in the programme “Special Vidéo Gag” on the TF1 channel at 20:50 hours. (Source nidalizée and tinkalizée). She also sings “L’Alizé” on “Dansez maintenent” on France2 at 20:50 hours. In some parts, the performance on “Dansez Mantainent” appears to be from 13th February. But news on Alizee world disproves this and furthermore two days later pictures of the performance are published. Nidalizée and tinkalizée also have it as this date. 20th January 2001 More music awards. This time it is in the NRJ music awards from the Cannes Ceremony, the awards are relayed directly onto TF1. Alizée wins two awards; one similar to the French revelation award she won at the M6 awards on the 17th November 2000 and the second award is for best web site. Alizée at the show also sings “L’Alizé”.(Sources Jounalizée no18 Journalizée no20, nidalizée, nidalizée and tinkalizée) 27th January 2001 Broadcasted news report “Alizée, Clone of Myléné” on “Plus vite que la Musique” on M6. (Source tinkalizée) 29th January 2001 Alizée appears in the concert of Restos du Coeur, “Les Enfoirés” in the Halle Tony Garnier in Lyon. The show will not be broadcasted until 9th March 2001 and chiefly on TF1. 12th February 2001 Alizée’s album “Gourmandises” reaches number one in the Album chart, three months after its release and reaches Platinum status this week having sold more than 300,000 copies. “L’Alizé” which was released in the same week supasses this and sells 500,000 copies. Her debut single “Moi…Lolita” however has sold 1.2 million copies in France alone. 17th February 2001 The Vitoria de la Música credit “Gourmandises” with being the revelation of the year. However she did not win the award. Instead Henri Salvador won the award. (Sources Un Brin d'Alizée, Journalizée no20 and nidalizée) 3rd March 2001 She is interviewed on FunTV. (Source tinkalizée) The interview speaks of her journey from “Grains de stars” to “Les Enfoirés”. It is broadcasted in its entirety on 3rd March at 16:00 hours, and Sunday 4th March at 14:30 hours, and again on the 7th march at 18:00 hours. The correct date for this interview is 3rd March 2001 and not 2nd May as it appears in several videos. In all websites the three showings are the 3rd, 4th and 7th of March and there is no suggestion of it being 2nd of May. Homer has no idea from where the error has arisen. 3 or 4th March 2001 Shooting of “Parler tout bas” in Paris. (Source Dairy of Alizee) Here Jean Marie has a photo session 9th March 2001 The “Les Enfoirés” concert is broadcasted (recorded 29th January) on TF1 at 20:50 hours. Alizée sings an adaptation of the sing by Laurent Voulzy “Rockollection”. It was intended to be broadcasted on the 3rd of March, but it got postponed until the 9th of March. (source Journalizée no18 and tinkalizée) 20th March 2001 “Moi…Lolita” goes on sale in Netherlands and enters at 6th position in the charts. (Source Journalizée no20) 21st March 2001 Photo Sessions for the Promotion of “Parler tout bas” by Phillipe Bouley. (Source: Alizee newspaper, which stated that there were sessions on the 19th, 20th and 21st, with another on the 22nd in Ajaccio. Tinkalizée disputes this, but Homer prefers to believe the newspaper). 24th March 2001 Recording of Star a Domicile in Paris that will be shown 1st of June (Source Diary of Alizée) 28th March 2001 Wardrobe test in Paris for the clothes used in “Parler tout bas” (Source Diary of Alizée). 31st March 2001 Alizée sings “Parler tout bas” on the Programme “Tapis Rouge” hosted by Michel Drucker (Source Journalizée no18 and Nidalizée) 21st April 2001 She appears on “hit machine” performing “Parler tout bas” (Source: nidalizée & tinkalizée) 24th April 2001 Alizée third single “Parler tout bas” is released. (Lov’alizée website and Journalizée no18) 25th April 2001 She does an interview with children on the programme “A toi l’actu”. (Source: tinkalizée) The video for “Parler tous bas” is transmitted for the first time, on the M6 channel. (Source actualizée (not to be confused with the magazine) 30th April 2001 Alizée performs Moi…Lolita in Amsterdam at the festival celebrated on Koningnnedag (Queens day). (Source: nidalizée & tinkalizée) 1st May 2001 Alizée is interviewed on TMF, Holland by the interviewer Daphne Bunskoek. (Source tinkalizée) 4th May 2001 Alizée performs in Drôles de Peitits Champion (Source nidalizée & tinkalizée) (Some people say this was actually 4th of March, but Homer feels that 4th of May is the correct date. The majority opinion is that the correct date is 4th of May and in addition they say she sang “parler tout bas” and it is difficult to believe she would sing this 2 months prior to it being released as a single. 22nd May 2001 performance on Vivemant Dimanche is recorded in Paris; it will be shown on the 27th May (Source Diary of Alizée). 23rd May 2001 Interview on “Megamix Partie Spéciale Alizée” on Club RTL (Source: tinkalizée) (See 27th December 2000) 27th May 2001 Alizée performs on “Vivement Dimanche” singing “Parler tout bas”. (Source nidalizée & tinkalizée) 29th May 2001 Interview on “Exclusif”. (Source tinkalizée) Between Alizée video’s there are many exclusive interviews. With so many differing dates It is necessary to verify them all. 31st May 2001 Mylene Farmer and Laurent Boutonnat jointly receive the Vincent Scotto Prize which is granted by SACEM (Société des auteurs et compositeurs) (The Society for authors and composers) for the best song; Moi…Lolita. (Un Brin d'Alizée, Journalizée no20, nidalizée). Also records performance on le grand hit, this will be shown on 12th July. (Source: Diary of Alizée) 1st June 2001 Appearance on Star a Domicile Surprising Julia.(Source: nidalizée and tinkalizée) . On that same day she travels to Moscow to do promotional work and she returns on the 4th of June (althought her appearances, encounters with the press, Hit FM awards where she sang Moi…Lolita and “L’alizé and an interview with Russian MTV is shown after she has left Russia. (Source Diary of Russia) 2nd June 2001 News Article on “Plus vite que la musique (Les découvertes de l´année)". However this is only seconds long and comments on music sales. (Source tinkalizée) On this day there is also an repeat of “Fan De” (boat interview) from Sepember 2000 (Source tinkalizée) 8th June 2001 Briefly appears in the Programme “News Block Weekly” on Russian MTV. In Russia the song “Moi…Lolita” receives the award “Hit FM award” although the exact day this was done is unknown but it was between the 1st –4th of June (see 1st June). (Sources Journalizée no20 (although wrong date), nidalizée and tinkalizée) 9th June 2001 News article on “Plus vite que la Musique (Filles a Scandale)” (Source tinkalizée). 21st June 2001 Appears on “Tapis Rouge: Spécial fete de la Musique” performing “Parler Tout Bas”. (Sources brin d'Alizée, and tinkalizée) Also does an Interview in “Fun TV (Spécial Alizée)” with Lucas (Source tinkalizée) and possibly another one on channel MCM (Source tinkalizée). Need to verify if these are the same ones. 3rd July 2001 Alizée travels to Paris to make the music for Gourmandises. (Source Diary of Alizée) 4th July 2001 Sings “Parler tout pas” on the programme “Tapis Rouge – Enfants de la terre” (Source Nidalizée although it has to be verified as some sites such as tinkalizée put this as 7th April) 6th July 2001 Performance of “Parler tout Bas” on “Graines de Stars/Bébé stars”. In the programme she states that she is thinking of releasing a second album. (Source un brin d'alizée and Nidalizée) 7th July 2001 Repeat of Alizée performance on “hit machine” on 2nd December 2000, where she sang “L’Alizé” (Source tinkalizée) 10th July 2001 The video for “Gourmandises” is shot, and Christophe Pollock does a photo session. On the same day Alizée gives an interview with the Israeli media via a telephone that will be printed in the following days (Source Diary of Alizée) 12th July 2001 Alizée appears on “Le Grand Hit” on M6 channel and sings “Il jouait du piano debut”. For Homer this is one of the better interpretations of the song and is precious. She also Sings “Parler tout bas”. She also does an interview/game with the shows presenters Charly and Lulu. (Sources: un brin d'Alizée, Journalizée 1 and Nidalizée) 19th July 2001 Alizée sings “Parler tout bas” on “Plein Soleil”. At first the official website said this performance would appear on the 5th of July but in the end it was the 19th of July. (source Nid d'Alizée & Nidalizée) 22nd July 2001 Appears on “Génies en Herbe” singing “Parler tout bas”. (Source Nidalizée) 25th July 2001 The video for “Gourmandises” is broadcasted on the M6 channel for the first time. August 2001 Does an interview for the “presse Jeune” which is recorded exclusively in Ajaccio and there is an interview and photo session for the magazine “Télé 7 Jours” (Source: Diary of Alizée) 10th August 2001 Travels to Germany to promote the Single “Moi…Lolita” and she has a photo session with Frank Lothar Lange to promote the single in Germany. She returns to Ajaccio on the 12th. (Source Diary of Alizée) 14th August 2001 “Gourmandises” released in France, Switzerland and Belgium. The video has already been broadcasted for two weeks now. (Source: un Brin d'Alizée and tinkalizée) 14th August 2001 Photo Session with Phillipe Bouley for the promotion of “Gourmandises” 18th August 2001 Appears on “Hit Machine” singing “Gourmandises”. This date is quite possibly wrong and the performance could actually be the 22nd September 2001. 3rd September 2001 Interview on the programme “Exclusif” on channel TF1. In some videos the date is the 12th September, but it is in fact the 3rd of September. On the 4th of September 2001 the website “Un Brin d’Alizée” released photos of it stating it was yesterday. In the first Jornalizée newsletter the 3rd of September is spoken, however the 2nd Jornalizée newsletter spoke of Monday the 8th, however this is a major error as the Monday was the 3rd and not the 8th. In addition the 2nd newsletter was dated the 8th-14th of September 2001 and it would be impossible that it was broadcasted on the 8th. 8th September 2001 This day there is a performance on “40 ans de tubes” is recorded and will be broadcasted on the 26th October 2001. (Source: Journalizée) 9th-14th September 2001 It seems that Alizée was doing promotions in Japan. But this information is not safe. (Source Journalizée) 15th September 2001 Appeared on “Fan de” on channel M6 at 11:50 hours performing “Gourmandises”. (Source un brin d'Alizée). Also appears on “Rire de Plasir” singing “Gourmandises”. This is the first time she wears the famous miam-miam suit. (Source un brin d'alizée, Journalizée and nidalizée. In Journalizée newsletter a small news article is discussed that appeared on Fan2 about Alizée. It states that if you add up her sales of albums and singles she sells 350 discs and hour! 20th September 2001 Performance on “The Dome” (Germany) singing “Moi…Lolita”. ( Source Nidalizée & tinkalizée)Some websites call it “the Dome 20” because it was the 20th anniversary of the festival, likewise when Alizée appeared on it in 2002 it was called “the Dome 21” 21st September 2001 Possible appearance singing “Moi…Lolita on “German RTL” (to verify) 22nd September 2001 Sings “Gourmandises” on “Hit Machine” (Source un brin d'Alizée, Journalizée and Nidalizée) October 2001 In the “2nd Annual DMX music awards” in United States she wins an award; “best song never released in the United States” for the international success of “Moi…Lolita”. (Source Journalizée No6 & Journalizée No 18 state that it is in October, Although Journalizée No 20 states that it was in November. Un Brin d'Alizée does not specify the exact date but does suggest it was before November. Nidalizée speaks of September with another DMX ceremony in November) 5th October 2001 She performs “Gourmandises” on “Graines De Stars” Channel M6 and is also interviewed later; 20:50 hours. (Sources: un brin d'Alizée, Journalizée and Nidalizée) 12th October 2001 Interview on “Fan club Spéciale Alizée” on Club RTL. 13th October 2001 Alizée signs a contract with Panini, who make a sticker book called “Alizée, son jardin secret (Alizée her secret garden). There are 50 photocards of Alizée that are needed to be collected to complete the album. (Source Journalizée No7) 16th October 2001 Performance on the Polish show “Kawa czy Herbata (café o te)” (Source Nidalizée and tinkalizée) This is the only televised performance in Poland. There was another recording for Polish TV however this was never broadcasted. In the 2nd one Alizée is upset by the interviewer and Oliver (her manager) finishes the interview. 20th October 2001 She sings “Moi…Lolita” on the German “Top of the Pops” on RTL, to be broadcasted on the 27th and 29th of October 2001. In this performance instead of wearing the normal clothes she wears Cattle tenders and a shirt. (Source Nidalizée and tinkalizée). Attention: There are 3 different performances of “moi…Lolita”. This one on the 20th, 27th and 29th of October. All three are different ones videos. On “Prima Donna” on Channel France2 a performance by Alizée singing “Gourmandises” is shown.(Source un brin d'Alizée, Journalizée No7 & Nidalizée) Sophie Davant and Patrick Sebastian present the show. She appears dressed in her usual Miam-Miam dress and Sebastian thanks Alizée with “Bravo Alizé tu es trés gentile” (Cheers Alizée you are very nice) 21st October 2001 Sings “Gourmandises” on “Vivement Demanche”. (Sources un brin d'Alizée, Journalizée No7 & Nidalizée 25th October 2001 Sings “Moi…Lolita” on programme “viva interaktiv” in Germany. (Sources Nidalizée & tinkalizée). 26th October 2001 She sings “Moi…Lolita” and “Gourmandises” on “40 ans de tubes” (or “tubes d’un jours, tubes de toujours) on TF1 at 20:50 hours. (Sources un brin d'Alizée, Journalizée No7, nidalizée and Nidalizée. The show is presented by Flavie Flament. The presenter announces Alizée with “Savez-vous comment s'écrit Lolita?" "Hello Helli T'es A" "Voici Alizée!” (Do you know how you write Alizée? L.O.L.I.T.A. Here is Alizée). Here she sings “moi…Lolita” in her usual clothes. In addition they ask her what song she would like to sing and she responds with “Foule Sentimentale by Alain Souchon. 27th October 2001 Alizée sings “Moi Lolita” on “Top of the Pops” on channel RTL. (Source Nidalizée) Attention this is the second of the 3 performances mentioned above in the Entry for the 20th October. On this day it is also shown on BNN for Holland and possibly England (Source Nidalizée). Nevertheless the Dutch BNN performance is the same performance as the performance on RTL on 27th October, despite some websites such as Tinkalizée claiming that it is not. Near 27th October 2001 The exact date is unknown, but around this time, there was a photo session by the English Photographer Clive Arrowsmith. Alizée appears with a fabric-covered armchair in front of a chipped wall. 29th October 2001 Alizée sings “Moi…Lolita on “Top of the Pops” on RTL in Germany. (Sources Nidalizée and Tinkalizée) Attention: this is third of the performances mentioned above November 2001 Appearance on “Top of the Pops” (Holland, BNN) singing “Moi…Lolita” November 2001 She appears in a clip “Les chanson des restos dur Coeur” which is like a prologue for her participation in the 2002 “Les Enfoirés”. (Source: un brin d'Alizée) 4th November 2001 The sticker album created by Panini “Alizée son jardin secret” is released for sale (Source Journalizée No10) 6th November 2001 She sings “L’Alizé” at the TMF awards. There she receives a double platinum disc for “Moi…Lolita”, Gold disc for “L’Alizé” and a Platinum disc for the album “Gourmandises. (Source Un Brin d'Alizée, although the page here & Tinkalizée gives the date of 27th October. Journalizée No 20 states this was in November and Journalizée No 12 and Journalizée 18 are more specific, specifying the 6th. 6th November 2001 Appearance on the Belgium programme “belga Guiness”. Still to be verified whether it is this date or the 27th October. 7th December 2001 Sings “Gourmandises” on “Téléthon” on channel France 2 at 20:50 hours. (some videos put this date as 29th October, but this is clearly an error, the date is definitely 7th December 2001. (Source un brin d'Alizée, Journalizée no 13 and Nidalizée). Around 22:30 hours Patrice Laffont announces “Even though it is late I am sure there are many of you still sitting in front of your televisions and I am sure that a number of you like Alizée. 8th December 2001 “Moi…Lolita” begins to be played on Spanish radios. (Source Journalizée No15) 25th December 2001 Alizée sings “Gourmandises” wearing her Mia-Miam dress on the programme "Petits anges d´un soir" (o "Petits anges de Nöel") at 20:50 hours (according to Journalizée no 12) or 2250 (according to Journalizée No 16). Once again she receives the prize “Trophée des Anges” just like last year. (Source Un Brin d'Alizée, Journalizée No 18, Journalizée No 20 , Nidalizée and Nidalizée. The show is hosted Veronica Loubry and Alizée talks to her after her performance in her miam-miam dress. This Christmas there is also a miniclip of her wishing a Merry Christmas. The clip is about a second long with her concisely say “Joyeux Nöel.”