6th January 2003 The Alizée website is updated and announces the next release of “J’en ai Marre”. On the same day “J’en ai Marre” is sent to the radios to be aired. (source Un Brin d'Alizée) 11th January 2003 Although the single had been sent to the radios a few days ago for transmission, on “Plus vite que la musique” at 20:15 hours an extract of “J’en ai Marre” is shown. This is the official presentation of the new single. (source Un Brin d'Alizée) 15th January 2003 Presentation in a hotel of “Jen ai Marre” Dressed in red jogging bottoms and a red and black jersey (with openings down the arm showing bare skin). These clothes used for two sessions of photos that are used for the promotion of the single. 23rd January 2003 Sale of magazine “télé 7 jours” (issue number 2,226 (25th-31st January). The first magazine about the return of Alizée and her new image with long hair. On the cover Alizée appears in a black top and the headline is “Alizée: Adieu Lolita”. (source Un Brin d'Alizée) 2nd February 2003 Alizée appears in the magazine “Super stars” (source: Un brin d'Alizée) 4th February 2003 Alizée appears in the magazines “salut” and “Vanilly” (source: Un brin d'Alizée) 5th February 2003 The dates for Alizée concert at Paris Olympia are known. (source: Un brin d'Alizée) She appears on the cover of a new magazine “Club Extra” and in an article in the “super” magazine. (Source: Un brin d'Alizée) 7th February 2003 Alizée appears in the magazines “candy” and Fan de”. (source: Un brin d'Alizée) 9th February 2003 Alizée appears in the magazine “Fan de” (source: Un brin d'Alizée) 10th February 2003 Alizée appears in the magazines “Super” and “Star club” (number 184). (source: Un brin d'Alizée) 15th February 2003 Alizée appears on the cover of the “Télé” magazine. (Source: Un brin d'Alizée) 16th February 2003 Alizée appears in “Like Hit” magazine. (Source: Un brin d'Alizée) 19th February 2003 Videoclip of “J’en ai marre” is broadcasted for the first time on (at 06:45, 09:05 and 10:05 hours). (Source: Un brin d'Alizée). Today she records on the programme “Tube d´un jour, tube de toujours” to be broadcasted in March. (Source: Un Brin d'Alizée) It is also the day that “J’en ai marre” is sent to foreign radio stations.(Source: Un brin d'Alizée) 21st February 2003 Alizée exclusively appeared in issue 506 of the “Gaelic” magazine with the headline “Je ne fais pas expres d'etre sexy - Mi-ingénue mi-libertine, la lolita de la chanson cultive l'ambiguité" (French for I purposely do not make out to be sexy-semi ingenious, semi liberty, the lolita of the song creates ambiguity) (Source: Un brin d'Alizée) 22nd February 2003 The name for Alizée second album is now known. Until now it had been a closely guarded secret. It is to be called “Mes Courants électriques” and it is already possible to pre-order it at www.alapage.com and www.amazon.fr . The first of four parts of the report on “Fan De: Histoires d’un retour attendu” is shown on the programme “Fan de” on the M6 channel. (Source: Un brin d'Alizée, although there are several videos which give the date as the 1st March, such as Tinkalizée but these are wrong) She also appears on the cover of the “Téle star” magazine. (Source: Un brin d'Alizée) 25th February 2003 “J’en ai Marre” is released in Franch and enters number 5 in the charts. (Source: Un brin d'Alizée & Nidalizée) The first announcement of recordings in Japan is announced (Elise). (Source: Un brin d'Alizée) The Famous announcement on “fan de” where Alizée breaks plates whilst saying “Parce que J’en ai marre” (Because I’ve had enough) is shown. 1st March 2003 Alizée sings “J’en ai Marre” on “Hit Machine” on channel M6 at 10:30 hours. The first public appearance since second disc (album) has been announced. (Source: un Brin d'Alizee, Nidalizée & Tinkalizée) The second part of the four reports is shown on “Fan De: Histoires d’un retour attendu” at 11:55 hours on M6 channel. (Source un Brin d'Alizee) 3rd March 2003 Performed “j’en ai marre” on “Pour Laurette” on France 3 at 20:50 hours. She gives up the diamond disc she received for “Moi…Lolita” for the cause (Source un Brin d'Alizee, Nidalizée &Tinkalizée) “J’en ai marre” is played for the first time on Spanish radio. 5th March 2003 Appeared on “Top of the Pops” on France2 at 17:55 hours.(Source Un Brin d'Alizée and Tinkalizée confuses things by placing the date as the 3rd May, but this wrong) Alizée appears in several magazines “Télé K7" (n° 1017), "Télé Z", "Télé Poche" y "Super Stars" (n° 25). (Source: un Brin d'Alizee,) 8th March 2003 The third of the four part report is shown on “Fan De: Histoires d’un retour attendu” at 11:55 hours on M6 channel. (Source: un Brin d'Alizee) Alizée sings “J’en ai marre”, does an interview and sings “moi…Lolita” on “=Tubes d´un jour, tubes de toujours”. This show was recorded on the 19th of February. (Source: un Brin d'Alizee Nidalizée and Tinkalizée) 11th March 2003 In Japan, there are two announcements (adverts) of the Japanese cakes called “Elise” with Alizée. (Source Tinkalizée) A small reference to Alizée on “ca me révolte” in a news article about the Lolita generation, The music and video of “Moi Lolita” is discussed and the provoking attitude Alizée could have represented by being in the nightclub as a minor. (Source: un Brin d'Alizee) 15th March 2003 The last of the four news reports is shown on “Fan De: Histoires d’un retour attendu”. On “Chanson no1” a show that tributed Singer France Gall, Alizée sings “Ella Elle L’a” and then her own song “J’en ai marre”. (Tinkalizée calls it “Spécial-Michel Berger)(Sources: Nidalizée & Tinkalizée) In advanced of her next album Contract radio get exclusive right to play “Mes Courants Electriques” 17th March 2003 “J’en ai Marre” enters the chart at number 4. 18th March 2003 “Mes courants électriques” is released in France, it goes straight into the number two position. (Source un Brin d'alizée & Nidalizée) 25th March 2003 Final of “Eurobest” where top singers from around Europe compete. The winner was Spanish representative “Chenoa”. Alizée was a guest performer performing “Moi…Lolita” and then immediately “j’en ai marre” (Source un Brin d'alizée, Nidalizée & Tinkalizée). It was in this final that Jerémy went to support the French representative “Nolwenn Leroy.” 28th March 2003 “Jen ai Marre” played on Italian airwaves. The videoclip is also shown there. 29th March 2003 Alizée appears in the magazine “Star One” (issue 13). (Source un Brin d'alizée) Also an interview with contract radio. Interview on “48h Spécial Alizée” This will be reshown on 29th July 2003. (This video with the dates 19th, 27th and 30th are circulating but the 29th of march is the correct one as stated in Un Brin d’Alizée it was tonight and supported by Tinkalizée) 2nd April 2003 “Top of the Pops” performance singing “j’en ai marre” (Source Nidalizée) 4th April 2003 “Alive” interview (to verify is it this date or the 7th of April “Viva Neuigkeiten”) 5th April 2003 The Biographical book for Alizée is published “Alizée A a Z”. It came out 10 days earlier then expected (15th April). (Source Un brin d'Alizée) 7th April 2003 “J’en ai Marre” is released in Spain (Source Un brin d'Alizée) 7th-11th April 2003 News Article JDM MCM. (There is a “Full version” where all the interview is shown)(According to Tinkalizée this was 4th to 11th of July so need to be checked). 8th April 2003 Alizée is in Madrid (Spain) where she does a selection of interviews for several radio shows and TV programmes. (Source Un brin d'Alizée & Tinkalizée) She also does small video’s announcing her apperance on the shows “Excite” and “Tomatic”. One of the programmes she appears on is “select” for Spanish MTV. This interview will be reshown on the 12th of April. The video of the interview is one of the most easily recognizable and she is frankly graceful throughout. The interview sees a performance from the Marx brothers. At certain times Alizée cannot hide her stupefaction and this makes the interview very likely and highly recommended to be seen. Here we also see how she does not get upset from language errors. Instead she is amused as we can see in the legendary ending of the interview where she attempts to get the presenter to correctly pronounce “beaucoup” 9th April 2003 Appeared on the programme “La Tribu des dédicaces” on the radio chain “Radio Scoop” at 20:00 hours through to 22:00 hours. (Source Source Un brin d'Alizée) 10th April 2003 “J’en ai Marre” goes Silver by selling over 125,000 copies. On this day Alizée also surprises Jessica, the surprise will be shown on Star a Domicile and will be shown on the 23rd of August. 11th April 2003 “J’en ai Marre” is released in Italy. (Source Un brin d'Alizée) 14th April 2003 “Mes Courants Electriques” released in Italy. (Source Un brin d'Alizée) 17th April 2003 They begin to show the first announcements, announcing Alizée’s first concert in the Olympia hall. 18th April 2003 Interview on “Flaix TV”. 19th April 2003 Performance in the programme “Música Si” on TVE-1.(Source Tinkalizée) Also in the month of April, interviews are granted for “40 TV”, “Sol Musica”, “Nikel Odeon” “Flaix TV”, “Channel 33”, in the programme “No n’hi ha prou” and “Super club” on channel TV3. All these appearances shown from 21st April but were recorded on the 8th of April 22nd April 2003 “Mes Courants électriques” released in Germany. 23rd April 2003 “J’en ai Marre” reaches gold status, while “Mes Courants électriques” reaches double gold status. “J’en ai marre” and “mes Courants électriques” bursts into Japan. Although to make it more political correct the single is called “mon bain de mousse” “my foam bath”. (Source: Predicted in Un brin d'Alizée). We also now know that the new single will be called “J’ai pas vingt ans”. (Source Un brin d'Alizée) 28th April 2003 “Mes courants électriques” is released in Spain.(Source Un brin d'Alizée). Performance on the “Disney club” on the “Disney Channel”. ATTENTION: This was not broadcasted on the 26th of April although this was predicted. Nor on tele5 as stated on the official website. (Source Nidalizée & Tinkalizée) Third edition of Actualizée goes on sale. (Source Un brin d'Alizée) 30th April 2003 Promotional Cds “J’ai pas vingt ans” is sent to the radios. (Source Un Brin d'Alizée) 5th May 2003 Interview on the programme “No n'hi ha prou” on channel 33 which is instantly translated in Catalan. Alizée comments that after the tour in France, she plans to do one in Spain, something that regrettably did not happen. She also comments that after Ajaccio FC her favourite football team is Real Madrid. 6th May 2003 Alizée recording on “La Chanson no1- Special Madonna” This will be shown on the 8th of June. (Source Un Brin d;Alizée & Un vrin d'Alizée) 10th May 2003 Appearance on the “Música sí” recorded on the 8th April on TVE1 singing “j’en ai Marre” (Source: Nidalizée) 12 May 2003 “J’en ai marre” released in Germany. (Source Un brin d'Alizée) In the first week it reaches number 33 in the charts. 15th May 2003 Alizée records a performance on “Absolument été”. This will be shown on 27th June although it was first thought it would be shown in July. (Source Un brin d'Alizée) 16th May 2003 Performance in the festival “Acalá de los Gazules” in Cádiz. (Source Nidalizée & Tinkalizée) 17th May 2003 Performance on the “Costapop” festival in Malaga, singing “j’en ai marre” and “Moi…Lolita”. (Source Nidalizée & Tinkalizée) 20th May 2003 Alizée goes to Japan to do promotion over there. 21st May 2003 Video of “Jai pas vingt ans” is shown for the first time. M6 channel are the first ones to show it at 6:30 hours. (Source Un brin d'Alizée) 22nd May 2003 Press conference in Japan: The conference video is shown by Excite (to confirm) 23rd May 2003 Japanese performance, on the show “Waratte Iitomo” on Fuji TV. (Source Tinkalizée) 24th May 2003 Predicted that Alizée would sing “J’en ai marre” on the programme “Gala sur” for channel Canal sur (Spain) at 22:00 hours (according to official page but it did not get shown) some say this performance was for the 17th of May but it never took place. 31st May 2003 Appearance on the Japanese programme “Gyuru Gyuru San”. Alizée appears dressed in red and you can see photos of the appearance here June 2003 Publicity of “Jen ai Marre” in Germany. 1st June 2003 The interview on “Sol Música” is broadcasted in Spain. 2nd June 2003 The interview/report on “Taff” is shown in Germany. (Source Tinkalizée) 3rd June 2003 The second single from her second album; “J’ai pas vingt ans” is released in France and Belgium. (Source Nidalizée). Performance on “Mister France” singing “J’ai pas vingt ans” at 20:50 hours. (Source Un Brin d'Alizée & Tinkalizée) 6th June 2003 Interview on “Confidencial” in Spain”. (Source Tinkalizée). 7th June 2003 Performance on "Baciana Versila" which is relayed on on Rai 1 (Italian) at 20:50 hours, and she sings “J’ai pas vingt ans” on “hit machine” on channel M6 at 10:30 hours. (Source Tinkalizée).On this performance someone clearly shouts out “leave Bitch” and this can be heard on the intro before the guitars begin playing. 8th June 2003 Performance on the programme “La Chanson no1 - Special Madonna” on France 2 at 20:50 hours. She sings “J’ai pas vingt ans” and “La isla Bonita” (recorded 6th May).(Source Un Brin d'Alizée & Tinkalizée). It seems like it was also repeated on the 13th of June. 18th June 2003 Performance on “Top of the Pops” on France 2 singing “J’ai pas vingt ans” at 17:50 hours. (Source Un Brin d'Alizée and Tinkalizée confirms it was the 8th and not the 18th). 20th June 2003 The video of J’ai pas vingt ans” is shown in Spain for the first time on the Programme “Los 40 principales” on canal+. Alizée appeared in the “Festivalbar” in Italy. The spectacle took place on the 20th but it was shown in three parts.. In the first part Alizée performed “j’en ai marre” and was broadcasted on the 24th. The rest of the spectacle will be broadcasted on the 1st and 8th of July, and because of this there is confusion over the dates. (Tinkalizée for example states this was the 8th of July, but this is wrong as she was promoting in Germany at that time). Here there were numerous problems, problems with the sound test and audio (and there seems to be possibly problems with blackouts and electricity cuts leaving the situation in jeopardy). The reaction of the crowd was nasty and booed her and insulted her. This resulted in Alizée refusing to sign autographs. She also sang “j’en ai marre” which was relayed on Italia1. One Italian fan writes of the disappointment and disgust in not signing autographs (see Homers notes for Italian message). 21st June 2003 Performance at the festival of “Festival de la musique” in Champ de Mars and was shown on France2 and TV5 at 21:00 hours. She sang “J’ai pas vingt ans”. (Source Un Brin d'Alizée and Tinkalizée). It is a beautiful video with the Eiffel tower in the background. 23rd June 2003 Alizée sings “J’en ai Marre” on Big Brother in Germany (RTL2 channel) at 20:00 hours. (Source Un Brin d'Alizée, Nidalizée and Tinkalizée) 25th June 2003 The recording of “Stars a Domicile” done and the show will be broadcasted on 23rd of August. 27th June 2003 Alizée perform on “Absolument été” on M6 at 20:50 hours. She first performs “Gourmandises” and then “J’ai pas vingt ans”. The peculiar thing with this performance is seeing the mixture of the look, the “Gourmandises” with the “miam miam” dress but with the “Mes courants électriques” long hairstyle. (Source Un brin d'Alizée, Nidalizée and Tinkalizée). 29th June 2003 “J’ai pas vingt ans” heard on Spanish radios for the first time, on the “los 40 principales" as “Novedad de la semana” (Newness of the week is a the literal translation) and included a greeting by Alizée in Spanish. 3rd July 2003 Alizée performed “J’ai pas vingt ans” on “Les 100 ans du tour de France” on channel France2 at 21:40 hours (it is reshown on 4th July on TV5 Europe at 22:26 hours). There were problems though as the company workers were on strike and were booing all the performers. (Source un Brin d'Alizée & Tinkalizée). 4th July 2003 Lucas interviews Alizée in the programme “Fun TV-1 Avec Alizée” shown at 15:20 hours.(Source Un Brin d'Alizée & Tinkalizée). This interview is arguably one of the best. 4th July 2003 Performance on “Top of the Pops” on German RTL singing “I’m fed up”. This is a rare performance because the performance is cut so that it does not last longer then three minutes. Here she is dressed in the short suit. ATTENTION: This performance is not reshown on the 19th of July. The 19th July performance has her dressed in trousers and she sings “J’en ai marre”. (Sourrce un Brin d'Alizée, Nidalizee & Tinkalizée) 4th - 11th July Series of interviews in the programme “JDM” on MCM (Source Tinkalizée) (see the commentary 7th-11th April 2003) 5th July 2003 Performance of “J’en ai marre” on “Hit machine” on M6 channel at 10:30 hours. (Anticapated in Un Brin d'Alizée) 6th July 2003 Sings “J’ai pas vingt ans” on “Hit machine” (this is the most likely date as statecd in Tinkalizée) 7th July 2003 On the official web page the release of “J’ai pas vingt ans” in Spain is announced for 28th of July. Nevertheless this does not happen, allegedly due apparently to CD defects from the factory. Although it could well have been stopped because of poor sales in France. However it was never released in Spain. 12th July 2003 Alizée sings “J’en ai marre” on German programme “Deutschland Champions” on ARD at 20:50 hours. (Source Nidalizee & Tinkalizée) 15th July 2003 News report about Alizée on “Tubissimo” on channel M6 at 8:00 hours. (Source un Brin d'Alizée) 16th July 2003 Performance on the programme “Tien Om Te Zien” on VTM (Belgium) at 20:45 singing”J’ai pas vingt ans”. (Source un Brin d'Alizée, although Tinkalizée states that it was in Germany) 19th July 2003 Alizée sings “J’en ai marre”” on “Top of the Pops” (German). Again like the 4th of July this is a shortened version and Alizée is dressed in a suit with trousers”. (Source Nidalizee & Tinkalizée) 26th July 2003 repeat of “J’ai pas vingt ans” on “Hit Machine” on the M6 channel at 10:30 hours (Source Anticapated in Un Brin d'Alizée) 29th July 2003 Alizée does a fifteen-minute interview on the M6 channel. (Could be a repeated section of interview from 48 hour from end of march) 30th July 2003 Two news articles on German RTL. First, “VIP De Punckt” (12:00 to 12:15 hours). Second one is on the Television newscast on RTL2 at 20:00 hours. 2nd August 2003 Alizée appears on “Música Sí” on TVE 1, it is a repeat of the previous programme on the 10th of May. 7th August 2003 News Article on “Tubbisimo”? 14th August 2003 A version of “Mes courants électriques” is published in Korea. 16th August 2003 Repeat of “J’en ai marre” on “Hit Machine” at 19:30 hours. 23rd August 2003 The recording of “Star a Domicile” on TF1. After the recording of Jessicas surprise and the interview with both her and Alizée, Alizée performs “J’ai pas vingt ans”. (Source Tinkalizée) The surprise took place on the 10th of April and the show was recorded on the 25th of June. 27th August 2003 Concert in the Olympia in Paris. 30th August 2003 Concert in the Olympia in Paris. Repeat of “J’ai pas vingt ans” performance on “Hit machine” at 10:30 hours and the interview “une heure avec Alizée” on “Fun TV” at 15:50 and 21:50 hours. 31st August 2003 Concert in the Olympia in Paris. Repeat of the interview “une heure avec Alizée” on “Fun TV” at 17:50 hours. 1st September 2003 Small news article on “Le JDM” (TF1) about the concert from the 31st august, with extracts from “J.B.G” and “Moi…Lolita” and an interview between frames (acts). (Source Un brin d'Alizée and Tinkalizée) However this is not safe and could be called “Alizée: Portrait de la lolita corse” Also another small news article on the television newscast on France2.(Source Tinkalizée) 2nd September 2003 Concert in the Olympia in Paris. Alizée also records a performance on “Rien que du Bonheur” which will be shown on the 6th of September. Also a small news article on the concerts in “Le JDM” on MCM at 13:15 hours and 20:30 hours. 3rd September 2003 Concert in the Olympia in Paris. Repeat of the interview “une heure avec Alizée” on “Fun TV” at 15:50 hours. 4th September 2003 Concert in the Olympia in Paris. According to une Brin d’alizée there is also a report on “Tubissimo” (M6 at 16:15 hours) about Alizée and her concerts. This is different to the news article on the 8th of September. 6th September 2003 Appeared on “Rien que du Bonheur” on France2 peforming “ A Contre Courant”. (Source Un brin d'Alizee and Tinkalizée) 8th September 2003 Small news article about the concerts on “Tubissimo” on M6 channel at 16:00 hours. (Source to une Brin d’alizée & Tinkalizée) 10th September 2003 Alizée appears on German MTV to promote her album. 11th September 2003 A news article about the concerts is broadcasted on “Man kanar” on channel France 3 at 17:35 hours with an interview in the bar at Olympia. (This was shown on the 11th although it was originally predicted to be shown on the 12th). (Source Un brin d'Alizée & Tinkalizée) There is also another news article in “JDM” on MCM (Source Tinkalizée) 15th September 2003 Alizée sets off to do promotional work in Asia. This Asian tour (Hong Kong, Taiwan Singapore e.t.c) was very successful and lasts nearly15 days with Alizée returning for the performance on “Aus nom des autres” on 29th of September. Alizée becomes ill on the last few days of the tour and this is probably why some of the interviews were cancelled. There is a video of Alizée singing “Moi…Lolita” and “J’en ai marre” and this is probably from the 24th of September. 17th September 2003 Report on “Le grand Classement – 30 ans du tubes” 23rd September 2003 4th edition of “Actualizée” goes on sale (there are doubts whether it was this day or the 27th) (Source Un brin d'Alizée) 24th September 2003 “Moi…Lolita” Number one in Hong Kong pop charts. (Source Un brin d'Alizée). In Korea Alizée is performs “Moi…Lolita” “I’m fed up” “J’ai pas vingt ans” and “A contre-courant”. (Source Un brin d'Alizée, Nidalizée & Tinkalizée). There is also an interview 27th September 2003 Performance on “Hit machine” in the M6 network at 11:35 singing “A contre-courant” (Source Un brin d'Alizée & Tinkalizée). 29th September 2003 Alizée appeared “Au non des autres” on channel France3 at 23:00 hours approximately (the show began at 20:50 hours. Alizée sang “A Contre-courant”. (Source Un brin d'Alizée & Tinkalizée). 30th September 2003 on the official page (website) Alizée’s new video of “A contre-courant” is available. (In Un brin d'Alizée the 1st of October is mentioned but it was this date) 2nd October 2003 The video for “A contre-courant” is shown for the first time on the M6 network. It was predicted that it would be shown on the first, but it wasn’t and was finally shown on the second. (Source Un brin d'Alizée) Interview on “Radio 6 Calais” at 12:15 hours and on the following day on “Radio 6 Boulougne” at the same time. (Source Un brin d'Alizée) 3rd October 2003 Interview on “Radio kiss FM Mediterranneé” in Cannes at 18:00 hours.(Source Un brin d'Alizée) 4th October 2003 Appearance on “star academy” on TF1 at 20:50 hours. Alizée first sang “Moi…Lolita” in collaboration with Amina, one of the competitors. She later sings “A contre-courant”. (Source Un brin d'Alizée Nidalizée & Tinkalizée). 7th October 2003 Sale of “A contre-courant” Alizée’s third single from her second album. (There is a video announcing it). The official website claimed the date for release was to be the 27th September but this was not the case and it was released today. (Source Un brin d'Alizée) Also an international version of “J’ai pas vingt ans” is released, the lyrics are in English and is titled “I’m not twenty” 10th October 2003 Concert in “Le Zenith” in Rouen. 11th October 2003 Concert in “Le Zenith Arena” in Lille. 12 October 2003 Concert in “Vorst nationaal” in Brussels. In this concert someone rises on to the stage to embrace Alizée, however security prevents this from happening. There is also a news article on the news “Rode Loper” on Belgium Channel VRT. It is still to be verified whether this is the same article as the one on the following day. Both videos are usually called “alizeertl.avi”. On this day Homer also writes the first of his thousand poems that he concludes on 8th July 2006. 13th October 2003 Small news article on Belgium channel RTL-TVI about the concert on the previous day. Extracts from “L’Alizé” and “Moi…Lolita” are shown as well as a small interview (the title for this video is alizeertl.avi). (Source Un brin d'Alizée & Tinkalizée) 14th October 2003 Concert at the “Galaxie” in Amneville. There is another news article shown on channel TVI (or VRT (to be verified). Again on the concert at Brussels. This article is different to the one on the previous day on RTL-TVI. (Source: Tinkalizée confirms it was the VRT chain) 17th October 2003 Concert in the “Palais de Sports” at Limoges. 18th October 2003 Concert in the “Zenith” at Peu. 19th October 2003 Appearance on “Vivement Dimanche” on channel France2 at 13:45 hours singing “A contre-courant”. This is a different image to the sensual one that she has shown in the past with “j’en ai marre” and “J’as pas vingt ans” In the following interview she is joined by French actor Gerald Depardieu.(Source Un brin d'Alizée and Tinkalizée). In the evening there is a concert in the “Zenith” at Toulouse. 21st October 2003 Concert in “le Dome” at Marseille 22nd October 2003 Interview for the programme “Scoop Radio” made in the “Grande café des Négociants” at 17:00 hours. (Alizée brings her small, dog Punkie with her) (Source Un brin d'Alizée) 24th October 2003 Concert in the “Zenith Omega” in Toulon. 25th October 2003 Performance on “Dans la Lumiére” on France2 at 20:50. Alizée sings “A contre-courant”. (Source Tinkalizée). Concert in the “Palais Nikaia” in Nice, in which it begins with the Drums from “J’ai pas vignt ans!” this was the first time, but it seems it was repeated in some of the following concerts). In this concert Alizée sings, with the audience “Happy Birthday” to a friend of hers, Sébastian who is in the audience. 26th October 2003 Concert at “Zenith Sud” in Montpellier. 3rd November 2003 Sale of “J’ai pas vingt ans” in Germany (It was either the 3rd or the 10th) 9th November 2003 Alizée sings “J’ai pas vingt ans” on the programme “Fame academy” on RT2 (Germany) at 18:00 hours. (SourceUn brin d'Alizée and Tinkalizée). 10th November 2003 Sale of “J’ai pas vingt ans” in Germany (either the 3rd or 10th). An interview on the Japanese channel NHK-ETV is shown. (Source Tinkalizée). 11th November 2003 Concert at “Zenith Arena” in Geneve. 12th November 2003 “A contre-courant” in maxi-CD goes on sale. (Source official site & Un brin d'Alizée) 14th November 2003 Concert in the “Zenith” in Caen. 15th November 2003 Concert in the “Antares” at Le Mans. A news article is also shown on this day, “Alizée the Métamorphose”. This was shown on “fan de” on the M6 channel at 11:55. (it was originally expected to be shown on the 8th of November). (Source Un brin d'Alizée & Tinkalizée)There is also a show classifying the 40 top singers in the century, “chanteuse du sciécle”. Alizée comes 31st. (Source Un brin d'Alizée & Tinkalizée) 16th November 2003 Concert at the “Zenith” in Orleans. 18th November 2003 Concert at the “Grand hall” in Tours. 21st November 2003 Concert in the “Palais des spectacles” in St Etienne. In this concert Alizée sings “happy Birthday” accompanied by the audience to her father via telephone. There is also a small video taken by a fan of Alizée leaving the concert by bus. 22nd November 2003 Concert at “summum” at Grenoble. 23rd November 2003 Concert in “Halle Tony Garnier” in Lyon. Alizée’s father, Myléne Farmer and Thierry Suc were also there. (Source Un brin d'Alizée) 25th November 2003 Concert in the “Halle Olympique” in Albertville 26th November 2003 A news article on Alizée is shown on the programme “Cent pour cent” on the M6 network at 21:00 hours. 28th November 2003 Concert in the “Salle Micropolis” in Besançon. 29th November 2003 Concert in at the “Rhenus” in Estrasburgo. 30th November 2003 Concert in the “Parc des Expositions in Mulhouse. An interview on “L’invité” (channel TV5) is shown. (Source Un brin d'Alizée & Tinkalizée) 2nd December 2003 Concert in the “Parc des Expositions in Dijon. 3rd December 2003 The programme “C’est mon choix” special doubles of the famous on france3. Someone called Morganne imitates Alizée, singing “J’ai pas vingt ans” and J’en ai marre” at 13:55 hours. (Source Un brin d'Alizée) 5th December 2003 Concert in the “Zenith Nancy” in Nancy Maxeville. 6th December 2003 Concert in the “Parc des Expositions at Chalon sur Saone. 7th December 2003 Concert in the “Zenith D’Auergne” at Cournon D’Auvergne 9th December 2003 Concert in the “Parc des Expositions at Marsac-sur-L’isle. 10th December 2003 There is a possible news report about Alizée on “C’est pas trop tôt” (source Source Un brin d'Alizée). (Pending confirmation). Announcements of the Paris concert on 17th January 2004 begin to be shown (Source Tinkalizée) 12th December 2003 Concert at the “Parc des Expositions” at Morlaix 13th December 2003 Concert at the “Parc des Expositions” at Lanester. 14th December 2003 Concert at the “Docks Oceane” at Le Havre. Near the end of the concert Alizée interrupts the proceedings when she starts to feel ill. The intervals and costume changes throughout the concert had been unusually longer than normal. Finally, Alizée interrupts her performance and in between sobbing, asks the audience to excuse her. The audience show their support for her by giving an ovation. It was alleged that it was viral influenza that was the cause of her illness This may not have been the only thing; her hectic schedule and intense promotion work (as you can see from this chronology) may have been an additional factor. 16th December 2003 Alizée recovers from the illness that she suffered at the “Docks Oceane” in Le Havre and does a concert at the “Parc des Expositions” at Rochelle without problems. There is a small news article in “Mots Croisés” on FR2. 19th December 2003 Concert at the “Elispace” in Beauvais. 20th December 2003 Concert at the “Parc des Expositions” at Reims. Alizée put contact lenses in that made her seem like she had blue eyes. 21st December 2003 A rumour beings (later confirmed by events) that the aim of Alizée Disc house (record company) is to stop the pomotion of “Mes courants électrique” and its singles. (Sources: moi-mylenefarmer.com (now inactive) & Un brin d'Alizée). 24th December 2003 A message appears on the official web page, which translates as “I wish you all have magnificent celebrations at the New Year. Hope to have new photos for you in the gallery. Until then, Alizée. Frankly, the message was expected to be warmer and more spirited. Therefore, the consensus was that this was the word of the Webmaster and not Alizée. 27th December 2003 Interview on the programme “Lollytop” on canal J at 18:30. There are glimpses here that she has a fiancée. The response to the questions regarding her third disc (album) is evasive and this begins a host of rumours on the supposed crisis with the record label, Myléne, a possible retirement of three months e.t.c. (see December 21st). These rumours create massive debate in the Alizée forum for several months (Source Un brin d'Alizée). There was also an appearance on the programme “Disques d’Or” on the TF1 channel at 20:50 hours. Alizée sung “A contre-courant”. (Source Un brin d'Alizée & Tinkalizée). 31st December 2003 Performance on "Les vainqueurs de l´année", on France2 at 21:05 hours. Alizée sings a medley, singing “Jen ai marre”, “Jai pas vingt ans” “A contre-courant” and “Moi…Lolita” (in this order) (Source: Un brin d'Alizée & Tinkalizée).