3rd January 2004 Interview on “Lollytop” on Canal J at 14:45 hours. This is the second part of the interview that took place on December the 27th of last year. (Source Tinkalizée) 9th January 2004 Report on “Tubissimo” on the M6 channel. (Source: Un brin d'Alizée & Tinkalizée) 14th January 2004 Performance on the “Zapping Zone” on the Disney Channel at 16:00 hours. Alizée sings “A contre-courant” (this needs verifying). (Source Alizée love & Tinkalizée). 17th January 2004 Today there was a concert in the “Zenith” at Paris. (Source Nidalizée) Which concluding what had been an exhausting tour. This concert is especially exciting, being the last one and unites many Alizée admirers from all around the globe, who had previously only been in contact via the forums. The concert is bittersweet, although not all the concerts were sold out (Homer feels this is due to the elevated number of concerts held in practically one country). It is necessary to honour the public (about 80,000) who did get to see Alizée and the fact that it was an exhausting tour in which time she only realised 2 singles. 18th January 2004 The beginning of the “Traversí del Desierto”, the travel through the wilderness begins for Alizée admirers who wait patiently for the third album. There has been more or less 3 years since her “break” until she started work in the studio on her 3rd album. 19th January 2004 Maxi Vinyl version of “Jai pas vingt ans” is published in Germany. 20th January 2004 Alizée takes a more than deserved holiday. Although it is suspended for an appearance on “Follement Gay” expected to be seen on the 30th January as well as participation in this years “Les Enfoires”. 23rd January 2004 Sale of the 5th edition of “Actualizé”. It is the first time it is sold on the newsstands and not just exclusively to subscribers, thus it sells many more. (Source Un brin d'Alizée) 24th January 2004 It is debated whether Alizée has signed a contract to do another album, and what type of album it is? (Source Un brin d'Alizée) 1st February 2004 There is a news article “La Séduction ca commence tres tôt” on the programme “E=M6 spécial seduction” on M6 at 20:50 hours. (Source Un Brin d'Alizée) 2nd February 2004 “Mes courants électriques” exits the top 150 albums. 4th February 2004 Alizée interview on her website where she answers questions that has been sent to the site in previous months. (Source Un Brin d'Alizée) 9th February 2004 The magazine “Voici” brings news that Alizée plans to retire from the music industry for a period of three years. This unsurprisingly spreads alarm with Alizée fans. The article can be seen here. However in issue 853 they published a correction by universal stating that “Polydor”, in any meeting never considered nor decide to suspend the career of one of the most talented French singers”. (Source Journalizée No 83) However the reality is that with the long “travels trough the wilderness” (18th January) this info by universal is contradicted and “the Voici” information appears to be confirmed. 13th February 2004 Report on “Hit de diaments” on M6 classifying Alizée at 29th position with “Moi…Lolita”. (Source Un Brin d'Alizée & Tinkalizée) 16th February 2004 “A Contre-Courant leaves the top 100 singles chart. But it reaches 100,000 sales reaching the status of silver disc. All singles/albums have reached some catergory of sales with the exception of “J’ai pas vingt ans”. 17th February 2004 A news article on Alizée is shown on “Duels de stars” on M6 at 17:00 hours, although it was originally predicted to be shown on the 11th. In this programme there is a duel between Alizée and Lorie. Considering the sales of the respective songs Alizée wins with “Moi…Lolita” beating Lorie’s “Toute searle”. (Source Un Brin d'Alizée) 22nd February 2004 It is known now that Alizée’s manager, Olivier will take care of other singers like Natasha St. Pier. (Source moi-mylenefarmer.com (now inactive)) 23rd February 2004 The magazine “Voici” well known for its criticism of Alizée announces that Alizée married Jéremy on the 6th of November while they were in Las Vegas. The forums go into overdrive, with many fans gutted and announcing their abandonment of Alizée. The news of her marriage seem not to please almost anybody. This was due to two reasons. Firstly because of the chosen man and secondly in the way they did it, in Las Vegas. It appears there is a valid marriage certificate from the Las Vegas ceremony. This does not make it legal in France, since it must be confirmed legally in France and it is not known whether this has happened. Homer prescribes to the souveneir theory with regards to the marriage, believing that they did it as a joke and as a memory of their trip to Las Vegas. 1st March 2004 “Jen ai marre” reaches number 1 in Taiwan. 8th March 2004 “Mes courants électriques” goes on sale priced at 9.99 Euros and reaches number 21 in the charts for midpriced music. 15th March 2004 “Voici” publish a rectification of the information given on 9th of February and the rupturing relationship between Alizée and Universal. Universal exercised their right to reply to the allegations by writing a note to the magazine stating that there has never been a meeting to deal with Alizée, to stop her singing and prevent her from evolving artistically. 17th March 2004 Rémo Buffin (lead vocalist in Alizé) decides to demand an explanation from Alizée and Universal as the similarity in names gave rise to confusion in record stores and when establishing concerts. Alizé registered their name in 1996, 4 years before Alizée appeared on the music scene. 3rd April 2004 Broadcast of the programme “101 sozies” in which famous people are imitated. Céline imitates Alizée singing “L’Alizé” and finishes in 77th position. (Source Un brin d'Alizée) 9th April 2004 Due to the rumours that have arisen since the new year about discontent between Alizée and Universal and/or Myléne an official denial is published on the official website. Translated it states “For several months the press, have been relating and spreading rumours on Alizée. They have tried to make people think Alizée has undergone an “anticipated retirement” by the record label and their production. We want to state that these allegations are purely lies and that they are total deflection of the truth with the sole intention to harm Alizée is very well and there is no problem with the record label, with Myléne Farmer or L. Boutonnat, the producer. After four years of promotional work in France and oversees, Alizée wishes, as do all artists to dedicate some time to herself before starting work on a third album. Nothing is more legitimate and is a surprise to nobody. These deceptions have unfortunately been repeateded in supposedly more serious media, therefore reinforcing doubt that fans have about Alizée. These articles also attempted to discredit their relations with the producers. Neither Alizée, Myléne Farmer nor Laurent Boutonnat wished to make a denial in the concerned newspapers, which would have only fed the controversy. However we wanted to offer this statement to the fans of Alizée and they do not need to worry about her.” 1st May 2004 Issue number 6 of “Actualizée” goes on sale. (Source Un brin d'Alizée) 16th May 2004 Concert for the benefit association Laurette Fugain in Lyon in the “Bourse du Travail”.(employment agency). Alizée sings “L’Alizé. There is no video although there is an audio file, but its quality is poor. (Source Un brin d'Alizée) 17th May 2004 Alizée sings a duet with Natasha St Peir, the song is “L’important c’est d’aimer” originally by Pascal Obispo. The programme this was on was “Pour laurette… un an apres” on France3 at 20:50 hours. Alizée shows us a new style, a style that is very similar to Jéremy’s style.(Source Un brin d'Alizée & Petite lili mania) The reaction of the majority is not favourable and this unjustly shadows what was a good interpretation of the song by Alizée. 22nd May 2004 Alizée sings on the TV show “Bon Anniversaire Charles” on channel TF1 singing the song by Charles Aznavour “For me, Formidable” duetting with Jenifer, and she performed it very well. (Source Un brin d'Alizée & Petite lili mania). The unanimous opinion in the forums is that she is dressed superbly and that she sung the song well. 27th May 2004 Peculiar appearance by Alizée on the programme “Select” on MTV at 18:00 hours. The singer, Jenifer was being interviewed and responding to questions from viewers by telephone. One such viewer called Anabelle asked Jenifer if she admired Alizée. Jenifer admits she does and that in fact she knew her in person. Anabelle then asked her if she had any faults. Jenifer replied that she did not. It was then that it was known that anabelle was in fact none other than Alizée playing a joke! A likeable detail. 5th June 2004 There is a minivideo made by a fan showing Alizée leaving with Jenifer from one of Jéremy’s concerts. On this day also, “Channel J’s” programm “Lollytop” reshow fragments of interviews with Lorie, Priscella, Nolwenn and Alizée. The Alizée interview is the one she gave on the 27th December 2003 and 3rd January 2004. 29th July (or 1st August) Sale of the 7th issue of “Actualizée”. (Source Journalizée No 89 & Un Brin d'Alizée) 3rd September 2004 Decision is made to start presenting/displaying Jéremy’s new line of clothes, which is under the label SIR SID. (Source Journalizée No 91) 13th September 2004 “Amélie m’a dit” broadcasted for the first time. One of the songs from the next disc. (Source Journalizée No 91) 4th October 2004 On sale from today is a double edition CD version that includes both “Gourmandises” and “Mes courants élctriques”. (Source Un brin d'Alizée & Petite lili mania) 5th October 2004 The CD and DVD “Bon Anniversaire, Charles” which shows the performances from the 22nd of May, it includes amongst others the duet with Alizée and Jenifer. The proceeds from the sales go to the French National institute of cancer. 11th October 2004 Videoclip of “Amélie m’a dit” is broadcasted for the first time on M6 at 17:10 hours. 12th October 2004 The videoclip for “Améli m’a dit” is made available on the official website and a further update on this day announces the release of the CD and DVD of “Alizée en concert”. (Source Un brin d'Alizée & Petite lili mania) 16th October 2004 A news article about Alizée is shown on the programme “Plus vite que la musique”. There is no further information provided, and they give the perspective that the outlook for Alizée’s career is bleak. 18th October 2004 CD and DVD versions of “Alizee en Concert” released today (Source Nidalizée & Petite lili mania) despite the “plan promo” stating the date as the 19th of October. 21st October 2004 On the website official pages a video appears publicising the new CD and DVD. It is also announced that this publicity video will be shown from today on M6 and M6 music. 22nd October 2004 Due to the release of the CD and DVD “Alizée in concert” the programme “Cent pour cent” is broadcasted on M6 at 12:00 hours and 21:00 hours. In which all videoclips held at that time were shown. 27th October 2004 Issue number 8 of “Actualizée” goes on sale at kiosks (Source Petite lili mania). 29th October 2004 Report on “C’est pas trop tôt” in which the article’s writer states that we will not be seeing Alizée return. This according to the report is due to Alizée separating from Myléne and wished to see the Lolita image erased. (Source Petite lili mania). 15th November 2004 “Voici” announces that Alizée is possibly pregnant. 6th December 2004 “Voici” publish on its cover and inner pages a judicial resolution which condemned the magazine for the breach of privacy against Alizée and Jeremy that occurred when they gained information about her pregnancy on the 15th of November.