27th February 2007 Today the CD and DVD on “En Concert” is released in Mexico due to the increasing popularity of Alizée in Mexico, which is consequence of the commendable work by the Mexican fans. 3rd March 2007 The programme “Classé Confidential” on the M6 channel is shown. Here they celebrate the 20th anniversary of the show and thus show their best moments. When they highlighted “Graines de star” they showed Alizée singing “Ma Priére” on 14th April 2000. (Source Un Brin d'Alizée) 6th March 2007 In the continuations of M6 20th celebrations they showed the programme “Le Grand zapping d’M6” presented by Laurent Boyer. This was shown at 18:55 hours. In this program Alizée appears for a few seconds and she is seen recieving the French singer revelation of the year award on 17th November 2000 at the M6 awards. (Source Un Brin d'Alizée) 31st March 2007 There is a special programme broadcasted on the M6 channel at 10:10. It is called “Chanteurs qui nous manquent le plus"which does a coutdoen of singers from the last 15 years. The previous Saturday they did the placings 20-11 and this week they did 10-1 and Alizée was 4th 31st March 2007 Several Alizée fans from arund the world create a video, in which they each send an affectionate message to Alizée, demonstrating how much she is missed. We hope that Alizée answers with a message full of affection 26th May 2007 A news report “top ten” on Alizée is shown on Aztec TV in Mexico at 12:00. 6th June 2007 On the Nolife TV channel there is a peculiar news article shown on “Tokyo Café” where the popularity of Alizée in Japan is investigated. 31st July 2007 Emilie (Webmistress of Le Nid d'Alizée) announces on her website, good news. Third album: Sylvain Carpentier has given us some much more detailed news about Alizée's third album. In fact, Alizée has signed with a subsidiary of Universal; things are moving quickly and the release of the third album is close (you can count on weeks) About Alizée's silence: Again according to Sylvain Carpentier, it's because of the record company and not her. She should announce her return through the press or a press conference soon... Alizée is currently in studio putting the finishing touches on the remixes for the first single. (Translation by Moco from Alizée forum) Is this the end of the “Traversí del Desierto” (The passage throught the desert)? 13th August 2007 The new record Label of Alizée is known: RCA (Sony BMG) (Source chartsinfrance) 22nd August 2007 It is now known what the new single will be called; “fifty-sixty” (However this has been proven to be incorrect)(Source: chartsinfrance, in addition there is an extract of the song published) 8th September 2007 Theres is a report on the programme “50mm inside” on TF1. Which comments on the possible rupture in the professional relationship of Alizée and Myléne Farmer. The report is very “tabloid sensationalist” and is full of falsifications. 11th September 2007 The website of the record label RCA make an official announcement, anouncing the imminent return of Alizée. It confirms her first single will be “Mademoiselle Julliette” and her album will be called “Psychédélicies”. The “journey through the desert” finishes! 12th September 2007 A small article is shown (only 23 seconds long) on the programme “JT de la Musique” reporting on Alizée and Myléne. It insists that the two singers have a terrible relationship, somethging that had been denied on the official announcement by RCA on the 11th of September. 22nd September 2007 Another news article is shown discussing Alizée’s return (The choice of the new single, and the alleged controversy with Mylene Farmer) on the progamme Hit machine on M6. 23rd September 2007 The website of Virgin, VirginMega.fr uploads Alizée new single, Mademoiselle Julliete, and it can be digitally purchased for 0.99 euros, however it is only available for French residents. 24th September 2007 VirginMega.fr strangely remove downloading the single just 24 hours later, it seems it was uploaded by mistake. 24th September 2007 The old, official web address www.moi-alizee.com goes blank and there isn’t even a source code. Therefore the old contact address e-mail@moi-alizee.com is removed. 24th September 2007 The French radio station NRJ, announces on its website that the first single from the new album, Mademoiselle Julliette, will be excusively presented on their radio on the morning of Thursday 27th September. 25th September 2007 The official website of the record label RCA, confirms this and has the cover of the new single. 27th September 2007 Alizée presents her new single “Mademoiselle Juliette” on NRJ at 08:30 hours in the programme Le 6/9. 29th September 2007 The Alizée - Site Officiel changes shortly after midnight. It announces (In French and in english, promoting abroad?) the possibility of downloading the official link, subscribing to the official Alizée newsletter and a connection to Aliizée’s Official myspace site. 30th September 2007 Various websites, including VirginMega.Fr, MusicMe, ITunes, MSN Music, Starzik and Fnacmusic allow the download of mademoiselle Juliette for the price of 0.99 Euros. However it only works for people living in France. 2nd October 2007 6th October 2007 There is a small news article about Alizée on the pragramme “Fan de” on the M6 Channel 10th October 2007 RCA release a press statement on their website. It states that “The digital release of “Mademoiselle Juliette” is the best digital chart entry for a song that has hardly been played on the radio, or seen on the television. It entered at number 13 on the top downloaded singles” The same statement is edited a few days later announcing that the album “Psychédélices” release date has been put back to 3rd December 2007. 9th November 2007 On Alizée’s new official website there is a set of traffic lights that count down to the time when the site will open. 10th November 2007 TF1 shows a news article on “the making of” Alizée’s new video, showing the photoshoot for it. 14th November 2007 The Website Mademoizelle.com emits a new interview with Alizée. 14th November 2007 Her first televised appearance in the Psychedelices era, an interview on the programme “Le Grande Journal” on Canal+ (aside from the original video, there are two extras, one with the entrance and another with “extras”) 15th November 2007 Alizée does an interview for the French Newspaper Libération. The interview reveals several interesting pieces of information about Alizée, such as the fact she has seen all the Harry Potters so far, loves the show “Six Feet Under” and can’t resist gadgets! 16th November 2007 The video for Mademoiselle Juliette is shown for the first time on NRJ hits. 16th November 2007 The programme “Le Grande Journal” shows within its programme “La Boite a Questions” a series of short questions that Alizée answered after she appeared on the 14th November show. 17th November 2007 There is a small news article on Hit machine, “Les 10 artistes révélés par la télévision quin ont vendu le plus d´albums en France” (countdown of top selling artists who were discovered by television) Alizée is at seventh position. 19th November 2007 A news article is shown on Le JT2 La Musique “La guerre des ex-lolitas” (The fight of the ex-lolitas) (although there are videos with the date as November 20th, these are wrong and the 19th November is correct) 19th November 2007 There appears a small video done by the team of Alizée showing Alizée rehearsing/making L’effet. 21st November 2007 In the French Magazine, VSD (Number 1578) there is a 4 page interview with Alizée. 21st November 2007 A small interview on the Yahoo website is shown which included the clip of Madamoiselle Juliette 22nd November 2007 Alizée records a performance at the Palais des Congrés, for the Belgian show “Bonnie & Clyde”. The performance of “Madamoiselle Juliette” and a small interview is shown on 2nd December 2007. 23rd November 2007 A small selection of Alizée’s French fans is invited to a special pre-hearing of her new disc. 25th November 2007 A report on Sept a Huit on TF1 is shown. 26th November 2007 The album is available to be legally downloaded via the Internet. It is also possible to listen to the album songs on Alizée's myspace 27th November 2007 Plug TV 27th November 2007 Alizée does a special online chat through MSN.com with several fans. 28th November 2007 The new Official website opens. It shows several new photo, the “Madamoiselle Juliette” video and has a news section and a small bio on Alizée. 28th November 2007 Her new album is available in Mexico, mainly in the stores “Mix up” (according to Alizée Forum) 29th November 2007 The French tabloid newspaper La Voix Du Nord print an interview with Alizée where they talk about her new album. 30th November 2007 Interview on L’express.fr. 30th November 2007 Alizée is mentioned and the video “Madamoiselle Juliette” is shown on the television show “E Classement, MJ No1 –W9” 30th November 2007 Adverts for the release of Alizée’s new album “Psychédélices” on the 3rd of December starts to be shown on television. (source: Alizee Forum) 1st December 2007 Interview with Alizée on the programme “Hits and Co” on TF1 2nd December 2007 Interview with Alizée on the program “Musicronik” on CanalW9 at 11:30. 2nd December 2007 Her recorded appearance (22nd November) on “Bonnie & Clyde” is shown on the Belgium Channel RTBF at 21:00. 3rd December 2007 The album Psychédélices is released in France and Mexico. In addition there are two “Madamoiselle Juliette” remixes digitally released. 3rd December 2007 Interview on Flash, M6 Music Hits 3rd December 2007 Alizée does an autograph signing session at the Virgin megastore in Champs-Elysées at 18:00 (reported in articles in E-news and Toutaz) 4th December 2007 Report on “Le JT de la Musique on Europe2 TV 4th December 2007 On the web site Teemax a special page about Alizée is published complete with an interview and a video. 4th December 2007 News article on “Psychédélices” and her fans appears on the website www.linternaute.com. 4th December 2007 Report on Alizée on “Quoi de Neuf” on W9 5th December 2007 Report on Alizée on “I-Télé” 5th December 2007 Report on Alizée on “CD Aujord’hui” shown on FR2. 5th December 2007 Alizée records a performance on “NRJ Studio Live” which will be shown on the 24th. 7th December 2007 Interview on “Le 12/50” on the M6 channel. 7th December 2007 Interview on “Le Journal” on RTL Belgique at 13:00. 7th December 2007 Alizée appears on “Star Academy” which is broadcasted on TF1 at 20:50. She sings “Moi…Lolita” with Pierre and Bertrand and “Mademoiselle Juliette” with Maureen. 8th December 2007 Interview on “Fan De” on M6 at 11:30. (There is also a small TV advert which announces this). 9th December 2007 Alizée is interviewed on the Radio show “Ma Liste préférée” on RTL. In addition to being interviewed about her new album “Psychédélices” she chooses some of her favourite songs. 10th December 2007 Between the 10tth and the 12th, the programme “Les Disques d’or” is recorded. It is broadcasted on the 5th of January. Photos that exist from that time indicate that the recording took place on the 11th. 12th December 2007 Alizee appeared on the radio six with Stéphane Lecarrié at 12:15 and also on Contact FM at 18:00 hours. 12th December 2007 In Mexico “Tout Alizée” a compilation CD of her songs is released. 12th December 2007 Alizée is interviewed on the programme “Flash” on the M6 Music hits channel. It is just a small snippet of a longer interview shown on “Focus hits” on the 15th Decembe 13th December 2007 There is a report on the autograph signing held on the 3rd December on E! News. 13th December 2007 A new official website is created for Mexico 14th December 2007 Alizée is interviewed on LCI.fr 14th December 2007 Sergio Vine interviews Alizée on the phone for the Mexican radio “Radio Network” at 09:30 hours. 15th December 2007 Alizée appears on “Focus Hits” on the M6 network. This is the extended interview that appeared on “Flash” on the 12th of December. 15th December 2007 An article with Alizée appears in the French Magazine “Star Club”. 15th December 2007 There is a small report on Alizée on Hit Machine shown on the M6 Television network. 15th December 2007 There is a four page interview along with exclusive pictures of Alizée at her Parisian home in the magazine “Madame Figaro” (no 1216) 17th December 2007 Alizée appears on the show “DJ de la semaine” on the M6 television network. Here Alizée picks and introduces a number of music videos. (with Alizée wearing the same clothes, and at the same setting as the “focus hits” on the 15th December, these are likely to have been filmed at the same time) 18th December 2007 The programme “Toutaz” shows a news report on the 3rd December autograph session. 19th December 2007 Alizée does an online chat on TF1.fr. 19th December 2007 Television adverts start to appear for the new FHM magazine (due out on 21st December) with Alizée on the front cover 21st December 2007 Alizée appears in a small video wishing everybody a merry Christmas. 21st December 2007 RCA's website gives the opportunity for fans to vote for Alizée’s next single. The fans decide on Fift-sixty. 21st December 2007 It is said that on this date “Psychédélices” is released in Taiwan (Source: Alizeecn.com, Alizée forum) 21st December 2007 Alizée is interviewed on the television show “Ca donne envie” broadcasted on the French news channel LCI. The interview is broadcasted several times over the following days (until the 23rd December, there are video captures of the interview from the 21st and 23rd) (Source: Alizée forum) 21st December 2007 Alizée appears on the front cover of FHM. Inside there is a six page interview with Alizée, complete with several photos. 21st December 2007 The online website “Charts in France” posts an audio review of Alizée’s new album, “Psychédélices. (Source: Chartsinfrance.net) 22nd December 2007 Alizée performs “Mademoiselle Juliette” on IAPIAP on Canal J. Alizée not only performed, but was there throughout the entire show! (The show was repeated on the 23rd, 28th, 29th and 30th of December) 24th December 2007 The recording of “Mademoiselle Juliette” on “NRJ Studio Live” (recorded the 5th of December) is shown. 26th December 2007 Alizée appears in a small video wishing everyone a happy New Year. 28th December 2007 Alizée is interviewed in The French music magazine, “VoxPop” (no 2)