2nd January 2008 Alizée is in a report on the TV show “JT de la musique” on Virgin 17. The report speaks about the return of Alizée, Lorie and Priscilla. 5thJanuary 2008 The 11th December recording of “Disques d’or” is shown on TF1 at 20:30, Alizée performs “Mademoiselle Julliette”. 7th January 2008 The single for “Les Enfoirés 2008” (L’amitié) can be legally brought and downloaded. 7th January 2008 The programme “La méthode Cauet” is recorded and will be shown on the 10th. 9th January 2008 “W9 VIP LIVE” concert. Alizée appears alongside Lorie, Jenifer, Amel Bent, Christophe Maé and others. The show starts at 21:00 hours. 9th January 2008 A news article is shown on the Mexican programme “Telehit” 10th January 2008 Alizée’s interview on “La Methodé Cauet” is shown on TF1 at 22:45 hours. This was recorded on the 7th of January. 11th January 2008 The record label RCA release a New Years Card, which can be seen atRCA music. It states that Alizée’s next single will be 50/60 and that she will tour Latin America in March 2008 and France at the end of 2008. 14th January 2008 RCA release a press statement confirming that following the fan vote (see December 21st 2007) 50/60 will be the next single after it polled over 50% of the votes. It stated that the video of the song will be shot during February. 16th January 2008 A performance of “Mademoiselle Juliette” by Alizée on the programme “Hit machine” is recorded between 15:00 to 18:00 hours. It will be shown on the 2nd of February. 17th January 2008 Alizée does a 6 page interview for the French magazine “Tribu” (no 107) 21st January 2008 The “Mademoiselle Juliette” Maxi CD and “Mademoiselle Juliette” on vinyl is released. There was meant to be a single CD, however RCA cancelled it a few days before release (however there are some in existence that got dispatched in error). 23rd-28th January 2008 She appears in the annual Les Enfoirés concerts, this year held at the Zenith in Strasbourg, and she has a significant role, singing in several songs. 27th January 2008 Alizée appears on the MTV show “Accés direct a Alizée” at 21:40 hours. She introduces several of her favourite music videos 28th January 2008 Alizée appears on “Game one”, she answers several questions and informs us that her favourite character is Mario, and that she likes playing Raving Rabbids and Brain Academy. The show is repeated at least once in the following days, however unfortunately it seems no one has recorded it. 30th January 2008 Alizée does an interview with Frédéric Taddéi on “Regarde les hommes changer” on the radio station Europe 1. 1st February 2008 The second single from the album Psychédélices, “50/60” is digitally released, and can be downloaded ffrom French online music stores such as virginmega.fr. 1st February 2008 Alizée is interviewed on the radio show “Les Grosses Tetes” on the the radio station RTL Radio. 2nd February 2008 The recording of “Hit Machine” from the 16th January is broadcasted on M6. The official page suggested it would be shown on the 26th January, however it appeared today, on the 2nd of February. 3rd February 2008 Alizée appears in the Mexican “Gente” magazine. It is a 7 page article complete with stunning pictures of her, shot in Paris. 3rd February 2008 The programme “MusiCronik” is shown, where there is a special report on the W9 VIP LIVE concert on the 9th January. 12th February 2008 The official site is updated with a “hidden” bonus section. In order to find the bonus section you have to form a geometric shape (i.e. a triangle or square) with the mouse. In the bonus section are several new wallpapers. 13th February 2008 Alizée is interviewed on the French television show “La Totale” at 18:30 on channel NRJ12. 15th February 2008 M6 Live Concert, held in Aix en Provence. The concert is part of the “Festival du clip” held between the 14th and 17th of February. 18th February 2008 The video for “L'amitié” (Les Enfoirés single that was released online on 7th January) is now out online. Alizée appears in it briefly. 21st February 2008 Alizée appears in the magazine “SVM ipod” (No 9). In the interview Alizée talks about her love for her ipod and all things technilogical. There are also several new photos of Alizée with “curly hair” which indicate they were shot soon after her Les Enfoirés appearance. 23rd February 2008 It is possible to buy the fifty sixty remixes at online French music stores such as virginmedia. 24th February 2008 Alizée is interviewed on the French Television show “Vivemant Dimanche Prochaine” on France 2. 29th February 2008 29th February 2008 Alizée attends a fasion show at “Le Carrousel du Louvre” where she is photographed several times; some appear in magazines in the coming weeks (i.e. Public no243 on 8th March). 1st March 2008 There is a “behind the scenes” report on “les Enfoires” on the television show “50mn Inside” on TF1. Alizée can be seen several times throughout the report. 2nd March 2008 Alizée appears on the television show “La ou je t'emmenerai” on TF1. Alizée talks about the city Ajaccio in Corsica. 2nd March 2008 Alizée arrives in Mexico in order to promote her new album “Psychédélices” and to do an autograph signing. (Source: AlizeeMexico.com & Alizée Forum) 3rd March 2008 Alizée does a press conference in Mexico where she answers several questions. She states that she will return to do concerts in Mexico after her concert in Moscow on September 18th. Several television programmes such as “Ventaneando” on Aztec TV show reports of the press conference 4th March 2008 There is a “meet and greet” between Alizée and several Mexican fans, it is organised by the radio station “Alfa 91.3”. 4th March 2008 Alizée appears on the Mexican radio station “Mix 106.5” where she does a short interview. Unfortunately the recording of the show is in very poor quality and is difficult to understand her. 4th March 2008 Alizée is interviewed on the Mexican television show “Entrevista en Primero Noitcias”. 4th March 2008 There is a very brief article about Alizée on the television show, “A Las 3” on the Mexican channel “4TV”. They show an extract from the interview that was also shown on “Entrevista en Primero Noitcias”. 4th March 2008 Alizée is interviewed on the Mexican television show “Telehit” 4th March 2008 Alizée is interviewed on the Mexican commercial radio station “Panorama 88.9FM”. There are several recordings of the interview, the only difference is that some versions do not include the adverts and traffic reports. (Source Alizee Forum) 5th March 2008 It is today that there was a planned autograph signing session to be held at the “Mix up” store at the Plaza university in Mexico. However it had to be postponed for security reasons. There was an estimation of 500 fans turning up, however there were thousands who decided to turn up. 5th March 2008 A magazine produced by fans and mina editores (a magazine publisher), it has the support of Sony, however images from several fans are used without their recognition. 6th March 2008 Alizée is interviewed on “Hot” which is an uploaded video on the Prodigy/MSN video website. 7th March 2008 “Les Enfoirés” concert is broadcasted on TF1 at 20:50 hours 7th March 2008 There is an interview with Alizée on the programme “Hit m3” from the Mexican TV channel “Aztec TV” 8th March 2008 Today MSN starts to release video diaries of Alizée’s time in Mexico. Today they show her first day, where she explores Mexico and etches her name on a maguey (a type of plant). 8th March 2008 Alizée is interviewed on the television programme “TopTen” on the Mexican channel “tvazteca” at 12:00. 12th March 2008 In what is probably one of my favourite interviews from her time in Mexico, Alizée appears on and is interviewed on “Los 10+ Pedidos” on MTV Mexico. 13th March 2008 The next part of Alizée’s MSN diary is uploaded and shows highlights from her second day in Mexico. Shorter then the previous video, it shows Alizée doing her promotional work. 14th March 2008 Alizée is interviewed on the television show “Café Picouly” on France 5 at 21:40. It would seem that this was filmed at the same place as the photos were taken for the magazine “SVM iPod” on 21st February. With a similar hairstyle it is also likely to have been the same day. 15th March 2008 The recorded performance of “Love is all” (29th February) is shown on the television show “Génération CloClo on TF1. 15th March 2008 A recorded interview with Alizée is shown on the Mexican television show “Hit M3” which is shown on channel “TV Azetca”. 17th March 2008 Alizée does a short interview on the radio station “Alfa 91.3” The interviewed is done via phone, with Alizée in Paris. 19th March 2008 The “M6 Live” concert, which was held on 15th February, is shown on the M6 channel at 01:20. Alizée sings Moi Lolita (with the Madonna “music” bridge) and fifty-sixty. The show is rebroadcasted on M6 Music Live on 26th March. 20th March 2008 Alizée takes part in a charity concert for Fight Aids Monaco. She sings several songs including a beautiful rendition of “La Javanaise”. 23rd March 2008 The final part of Alizée’s diary is uploaded on to the MSN/Prodigy video website. It shows her continuing to do promoting work in Mexico 24th March 2008 A small section of the interview that was recorded for “Focus Hits” (15th December 2007) is shown on the television show “Pastilles Focus Hits” on M6 Music. 28th March 2008 The French Magazine “Opps!” (no 2) publish several unseen photographs of Alizée during the Fight Aids Concert held on the 20th March. 29th March 2008 Alizée is interviewed in the Mexican magazine “Skyview” where she discusses her love of Mexican food and Tattoos. 31st March 2008 Alizée appears in a short video (less then a minute long) which is uploaded on the website Gyggs.com. 2nd April 2008 RCA through their website, release a press statement. They announce that Alizée will perform in Moscow on 18th May and the Grand Rex in Paris on 23rd October. It announces that more dates will be added for concerts in France, Latin America, Switzerland and Belgium. 4th April 2008 There is an interview with Alizée (in a sweet shop) shown on “Paris Derniere” on the Television chain “Paris Premiere”. The interview is repeated several times over the coming days (6th April at 00:45 & 11th April at 01:15). 5th April 2008 Alizée performs Madonna’s hit song “Hung Up” on the television show “Génération Disco” on TF1 at 20:50. This was filmed at the same time (27th February) as the “Love is all” performance. 5th April 2008 A brief interview with Alizée is shown on “Miss VIP” shown on the television Chain “M6 Music”. The interview takes place backstage soon after the M6 Live Concert which took place on 15th February (and originally shown on M6 on 19th March). 9th April 2008 New promotional photoshoot pictures taken by Jeff Manzetti are released. These were taken at the Kube Hotel in Paris on 4th February 2008. 10th-11th April 2008 Alizée appears and performs at “Autour de la guitare at Casino de Paris. She does not appear on the last day of the concert (12th April). Just as she did in the Fight Aids concert in Monaco she performs a beautiful rendition of “La Javanaise”. 19th April 2008 Alizée appears on “Génération Duos” on the television chain TF1 at 20:55. She performs “Adélaide” with Alain Chamfort, a song from the 1980’s originally sung by Arnold Turboust. The performance was recorded at the same time the programme “Les Disques d’or” is recorded. 25th April 2008 Alizée’s official Mexican website receives a makeover and goes all “fifty/sixty” 29th April 2008 Alizée makes an appearance at the snowhall in Amnéville. Here she holds a personal meeting with 20 fans who won an earlier competition. 30th April 2008 Galaxie TV uploads a video of Alizée at the snowhall in Amnéville, the video shows her meeting the competition winners and includes a small interview. 5th May 2008 The Video for Fifty/sixty is officially released online. 6th May 2008 RCA release a press statement discussing some of their short-term plans for Alizée. They state that her album has gone “Gold” in France and has sold over 200,000 copies worldwide. It mentions that there will be concerts in Moscow in May, Mexico in June, and Paris in October with dates for Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Belarus, Uzbekistan, Asia, USA, Belgium and Switzerland as well as more in France and Mexico, to be added. In addition to the original Fifty/Sixty, there will be videos released for two remixes (Fifty/Sixty David Rubato Remix" & "Fifty/Sixty Rolf Honey Remix). Finally it mentions that all Remixes (which will be released digitally) will be released 12th May. 12th May 2008 As mentioned in the 6th May press release, the Remixes of 50/60 are available for purchase at various online music stores, such as Virgin.Fr 16th May 2008 Alizée arrives in Moscow where she will perform a concert on the 18th (Source Alizee Forum) 17th May 2008 Alizée does an autograph signing session at “MediaMarkt in Moscow. 18th May 2008 Alizée holds a concert in Moscow. She sings songs from “Psychédélices” as well as several re-orchestrated versions of songs from her first two albums (such as J’en ai Marre and Moi Lolita), as well as “The sound of Silence” and a beautiful rendition of “99 red balloons”. 20th May 2008 A brand new re-orchestrated version of “La isla bonita” (a Madonna song she covered on “La Chanson no1 - Special Madonna” broadcasted on 8th June 2003) is played on Mexican radio. 22nd May 2008 The re-orchestrated “La isla bonita” that was played on Mexican radio on 20th May is uploaded onto Alizée’s myspace page. 22nd May 2008 An Instant mag2 book devoted entirely to Alizée is released. It is over 90 pages long, with several nice quality photos of her, but unfortunately none of these photos are new. 24th May 2008 There is an interview with Alizée on the Russian MTV channel. 27th May 2008 There is an article and interview with Alizée in the Mexican magazine “TU”. The magazine cover states that the release date is the 27th May, however people were getting the magazine from the 9th of May. 31st May 2008 Alizée appears on the French television show “Acoustic” on TV5 at 11:05. Alizée performs several of her songs (from her new album as well as several re-orchestrated songs from previous albums). In addition, in between singing she is interviewed by the presenter. 5th June 2008 Alizée appears at the NRJ Music Tour, which is held at the “Arena de Geneve”. Alizée sings Fifty/Sixty. Unfortunately it seems this was never shown on television, and the only evidence of this appearance is pictures and fan videos. 6th June 2008 Alizée appears on the French television show “La chanson de l'année” on TF1. Alizée performs an energetic “Mademoiselle Julliette” and she is involved in a group performance of the Les Enfoirés song “L’amitie”. 9th June 2008 The site Psychedeclips.com goes live. The site shows three separate music videos for Fifty/sixty, the original video, Fifty Sixty (David Rubato) mix video and Fifty Sixty (Rolf Honey) mix video. 17th June 2008 The first tour date of her Mexican tour is at the Auditorio Nacional in Mexico City. Each show has a similar song list. She sings all her songs from he album “Psychédélices”, sound of silence and re-orchestrated versions of of Moi Lolita, Hey Amigo, La isla Bonita, J’ai pas vignt ans and J’en ai marre. 18th June 2008 A second concert the Auditorio Nacional in Mexico City. 19th June 2008 There is an article on Alizée in the Mexican “EL Diaro” where she gives a negative reaction after being hounded by the Mexican press, whilst having lunch. 19th June 2008 On the Prodigy/MSN video website day 4 of the video diary that was made in Alizée March trip to Mexico is uploaded. The video shows her last day where the propsed autograph signing has to be cancelled due to too many people turning up. 20th June 2008 Concert at the Auditorio Telmex in Guadalajara, Mexico. 21st June 2008 Concert at the Complejo Siglo XXI in Puebla, Mexico. 25th June 2008 The final Mexican concert is held at the Arena Monterrey. 25th June 2008 In Mexico a special CD/DVD version of Psychédélices is released. It includes the remixed “La isla bonita” and the DVD contains the video diary that was shown on Prodigy/MSN video as well as the three Fifty/sixty music videos. Unfortunately there are some errors, for example misselt song titles. 26th June 2008 Alizée does an autograph signing session in Mexico City. After the situation in March they limit it to the first 300 people who buy the Mexican Psychédélices special edition CD/DVD at the Mixup store. The signing is a success and in addition Alizée receives a gold disc for the number of Psychédélices sold in Mexico 17th July 2008 Alizée makes a short appearance in a Mexican Telenovia. The Telenovia is called “Las tontas no van al cielo” and Alizée fiomed her part whilst she was in Mexico during June. 20th July 2008 There is a small article about Alizée on the M6 television show “I love” at 20:35. The show concentrates on the year 2000, when Alizée bursts onto the French music scene. It shows some of her previous performances and clips from her music videos, but nothing new. 6th September 2008 It is announced on Nidalizee and Alizee Fanclub that RCA is closing down and that all the artists are moving to other branches of Sony. Alizée is to move to Jive Epic. 19th September 2008 The DVD for “Autour de la guitare” is released. This took place on 10-12 April (and Alizée appeared on the 10th/11th). The DVD contains Alizée’s performance of La Javanaise”. 8th October 2008 With the concert at the Grand Rex in Paris just weeks away (23rd October) it is decided to postpone the concert. It is announced the concert postponement is so that Alizée can attend the Luna Awards in Mexico. It is decided that the concert will take place on March 28th 16th October 2008 The Latin America MTV awards takes place. Alizee was nominated in the category “mejor artista nuevo internacional” (best new international artist). For several weeks prior to the concert voting took place via the internet. However the winner is Tokyo Hotel. 29th October 2008 Alizée appears at the Lunas del Auditorio awards which awards artists who do the best concerts in Mexico. Alizée is nominated in the category “Pop in a foreign language” and she wins the award! She also performs Mademoiselle Julliete at the award ceremony, which is shown on Mexican TV on the 30th October. 11th November 2008 Alizée appears in the audience of “Le Grand Journal” on Canal+. The Show is broadasted live from New York during the week, and Alizée alongside Jérémy are both there.