4th January 2010 Alizée appears on the cover of the French magazine “Technikart”. The photo is reminiscent of Madonna’s “Like a virgin” single cover. Inside the magazine is an interview with Alizée where she talks about musical influences. In addition there is a full page advert for Alizée’s album “Une Enfant du siecle” confirming a March release. 17th January 2010 Alizée is mentioned on Closer magazine. The article talks about the recent magazine cover of Technikart. 20th January 2010 Small article of Alizée on “Les Inrockuptibles” (#739) showing the ins and outs of current trends. 27th January - 1st February 20 Alizée appears in Les Enfoires 2010, which this year is held in the French city of Nice. Throughout the concerts she is involved in several songs including renditions of “We are the world” and “Womanizer”. 31st January 2010 There are several new video teasers on Alizée’s official website building up the release of “ Une Enfant du siecle. February 2010 Half a page article about Alizée on “Musique Info” magazine (#514). 3rd February 2010 The Nidalizee blog states that Alizées next album “ Une Enfant du siecle” will be released on 29th of March. 4th February 2010 The facebook page of Jive Epic France confirms what Nidalizee stated yesterday and that the album will be released on the 29th of March. 4th February 2010 Alizée appears in the French Computer magazine “Amusement n°7”. She speaks about her love for Apple gadgets and retro gaming. 4th February 2010 Fans are able to pre-order a collectors edition of Alizée’s new album ("Une enfant du siecle"), which is released 29th March. The collectors edition contains the album, a set of 5 vinyls containing the album, a book inspired by the album as well as a poster. In addition the first 100 buyers each receive a unique signed polaroid of Alizée and 50 additional boxes chosen at randon also receive a signed polaroid (the photoshoot for this took place on the 21st of February). 11th February 2010 Buyers of the collector’s edition of “Une enfant du siecle" receive an email informing them they are able to hear a song from the new album. The song “Limelight” is toatally in English and demonstrates Alizée new style. 11th February 2010 Limelight video clip becomes available for those who pre-ordered the Collector's Edition of the new album. 12th February 2010 Limelight video clip is released on Alizée's official channel on Youtube. 16th February 2010 Buyers of the collectors edition of “Une enfant du siecle" receive an email informing them they can download and hear the new single “Les Collines (Never leave you)”. The song is a catchy mix of french and English. 17th February 2010 The song “Les Collines (never leave you)” is uploaded on to Alizée’s official youtube site, for everyone to hear. 17th February 2010 Small article critisizing Alizée on VSD magazine (#1695). 20th February 2010 Alizée announces via her twitter page that she now has an online blog. The blog announces that tomorrow afternoon in Paris, Alizée will do a photoshoot for the 150 unique polaroids required for some of the collectors editions of “une enfant du siecle”. 21st February 2010 The photoshoot in Paris takes place where the 150 unique polaroids required for the fortunate “une enfant du siecle” takes place. Alizée’s blogprovide us with commentary and several photos of the shoot. 22nd February 2010 Les collines is available on professional platforms for download (for radio stations). 22nd February 2010 Small article on “Télé Star” (#1743) showing graph of Alizée's highs and lows during her career. 23rd February 2010 Physical promo Cds are being received by the radio stations. 24th February 2010 Alizée records an interview for “On Repeint La Musique”, a show on the “Radio Bleu” network. The show is broadcasted on the 27th February. 25th February 2010 Alizée takes part of vernissage “House of Kids” at 18h00 to 21h00. 26th February 2010 First short samples from the new album can be now hear on Amazon.fr and FNAC. 26th February 2010 Small article on “Elle” magazine (#3348). 27th February 2010 Alizée interview on “On Repeint La Musique” on the “Radio Bleu” network is broadcasted. As well as being interviewed, “Limelight” and “Les Collines” were both played. March 2010 Alizée on “Girls” magazine (#301). March 2010 Alizée on “Be” magazine. 6th March 2010 Alizée appears in the March edition of the French magazine “Liberation Next”. Several sexy photos are published (which are very modelesque in style) as well as an interview where she reveals the meaning behind several of her tattoos and also that she is a poker queen!! 6th March 2010 Alizée mentioned on 3 pages article about Les Enfoirés on “TV Grandes Chaines” magazine (#155). 6th March 2010 Alizée mentioned on 3 pages article about Les Enfoirés on “Télé 7 Jours” magazine (#2597). 6th March 2010 Alizée mentioned on 2 pages article about Les Enfoirés on “Télé Cable & Sat” magazine (#1035). 6th March 2010 Alizée mentioned on 2 pages article about Les Enfoirés on “Télé TNT” magazine (#205). 6th March 2010 Alizée mentioned on one page article about Les Enfoirés on “Télé Star” magazine (#1744). 6th March 2010 Alizée mentioned on 2 pages article about Les Enfoirés on “Télé Poche” magazine (#2299). 7th March 2010 Alizée mentioned on 4 pages article about Les Enfoirés on “TV Magazine” magazine (#20.358). 8th March 2010 11th March 2010 There is a scheduled appearance on “Le 6/9”, however this is postponed until the 15th March. 11th March 2010 Photos of Alizée on “Paris Match” article about Les Enfoirés. 12th March 2010 The Les Enfoires 2010 concert (which Alizée featured in) is shown on TF1 at 20:45. 12th March 2010 Alizée’s official website, it contains several photos including all 150 polaroid images that were shot on the 20th February, as well as links to her blog, Youtube, Myspace, Facebook, Twitter, as well as Itunes. 12th March 2010 Alizée mentioned on “Public” (#349) magazine's article about Twitter, with a photo of Alizée. 13th March 2010 Interview of Alizée on “Clark” magazine. 15th March 2010 Alizée is meant to be interviewed on the NRJ breakfast show “Le 6/9”. The same show she appeared on in 27th September 2007 to launch her new single Mademoiselle Julliete. However unfortunately she is ill and does not appear. 15th March 2010 There is a further update on Alizée’s blog, where a short video is uploaded of Alizée (possibly but not seen) and her musicians rehearsing the song “Les Collines (never leave you)”. 15th March 2010 A performance of “Mademoiselle Juliette” by Alizée on the programme “Hit machine” is recorded between 15:00 to 18:00 hours. It will be shown on the 2nd of February. 16th March 2010 Alizée creates her GOOM Radio called Limelight.Short video of Alizée making jingles for it can be seen on GOOM Radio's official Youtube channel. 16th March 2010 The fans are able to send questions for Alizée to be asked on interview for Mon Figaro (section of Le Figaro). 17th March 2010 Alizée's interview appears on TETU magazine's issue (#154) for April 2010. The article also includes several new photos of Alizée. She is saying that she's from the generation of Dorothea, Chantal Goya and Helena and says that they have not kept up with the change of the world. She also tells how she everyday takes her daughter to the school and picks her up later the day and how she fits in with the other mothers. 17th March 2010 Alizée is interviewed for Mon Figaro by William Rejault. Some photos of the recordings are shown on internet. The interview will be aired on Youtube 25th of March 2010. 19th March 2010 Les collines (never leave you) music video is released. 21 March 2010 Small article on Voici magazine (#1168). 24th March 2010 Une enfant du siecle show case at Le Point Ephémere. She sang 4 songs during the show case : Limelight, A coeur fendre, Grand Central and Les collines. During the whole show case she spoke only once to the audience, saying “Bonsoir, je m'appelle Alizée” (“Good evening, my name is Alizée”) at the beginning of her third song. 24th March 2010 2 pages article on VSD magazine. 25th March 2010 Small article is released on Le Figaro (Mon Figaro) with a video interview uploaded on Youtube. The interview carries name “Alizée sur un canapé rouge” (“Alizée on red sofa”) and the host is William Réjault. 25th March 2010 Small article on Envy magazine about her new album. 25th March 2010 An interview on M6 titled as “Le souffle électro d'Alizée” 25th March 2010 An interview ion NRJ Paris channel. The interview was recorder at Le Point Ephémere. 25th March 2010 A small article and video interview on portal.free.fr . The article is names as “Alizée, femme enfant”. 25th March 2010 Alizée on Canal+ on “Le Grand Journal” broadcast at 19h05. On the show there was also Adrian Brody and Nolwenn Leroy. 25th March 2010 Full page article of Alizée on “Grazia” magazine. 25th March 2010 Full page article of Alizée on Mexican “Gente” newspaper. 26th March 2010 Almost full page article of Alizée on “Metro” magazine. 27th March 2010 An interview taken at Le Point Ephémere of Alizée was released on internet by Nidalizée. 27th March 2010 A reportage of Alizée is on show called “J'aime beaucoup ce que vous fates” on Virgin 17 channel at 16h00. The reportage also has a short new interview. The show is re-broadcasted on 28th March 2010 at 11h55. 29th March 2010 The official release date of “Une enfant du siecle”, however, the album has been widely available before this date (earliest purchases done as early as 25th March 2010). 29th March 2010 Alizée is holding andautograph signing event at Virgin Megastore on Champs-Elysées, the same place where another even took place at the release of Psychédélices three years earlier. 29th March 2010 Limited edition vinyl of Limelight is released. Only 500 copies are pressed and it will never be reissued. The vinyl is available only through Institubes online store. Delivery (to Institubes) date was supposed to be 12th April 2010 but due to manufacturing problems Sony couldn't deliver the discs until 26th April 2010. 29th March 2010 Limelight GOOM Radio channel goes live. 29th March 2010 Alizée's interview on SoYouTV, which is a web TV. 29th March 2010 A reportage of the autograph signing event on show called “J'y était” on Konbini.fr. 30th March 2010 Alizée's interview on CD Aujourd'hui on France 2 at 10h45, 18h45 and 00h30. 30th March 2010 Live interview on 18h30 Aujoud'hui on France 3. 30th March 2010 Alizée's interview on show called “On va s'gener” on Europe 1 radio station. Interview is archived on their website. Alizée comes to the show at 84:13 time mark as a mystery guest with her voice changed. 31st March 2010 Alizée is finally on Le 6/9 on NRJ radio station. A video of the interview is released on internet. In the interview Alizée tells that her daughter has been playing golf since 2 years old and that the daughter doesn't sing too well... 31st March 2010 A short reportage with an interview on “Le Journal” on TF1. The reportage is arhived on TF 1 website. 31st March 2010 Alizée's interview on 100% Mag on M6 at 18h50. 31st March 2010 One page article on Gala magazine (#877) titled “Alizée - La chanteuse de México” (“Alizée - The singer from Mexico”). 31st March 2010 Small article on “Point de vue” magazine (#3219). April 2010 Small article on “TGV Magazine” (#123). April 2010 2 pages article on “Fresh” magazine (#7). April 2010 Small article on “QC” magazine. 1st April 2010 Alizée's interview on Belgian RTLinfo.be. 1st April 2010 Alizée's interview on BFMTV.com (some sources claimes 10th April 2010, but the video has been on Youtube since 1st April 2010). 2nd April 2010 Alizée's interview on iTélé Carré VIP at 22h15. Info came from Alizée (via her blog) only 15 minutes before the show. No video exist? 2nd April 2010 Small article on France Dimanche magazine (#3318). 2nd April 2010 Small article on Télé Star magazine. 2nd April 2010 Small article on Public magazine (#351). 3rd April 2010 3 pages article on Tsugi magazine (#29). 3rd April 2010 Small article on Bilto magazine (#403). 3rd April 2010 2 page article on Mexican newspaper “Reforma” in “!hey!” section. She is also on the cover of that section. 4th April 2010 Alizée's interview on Soir 3 at 22h30 on France 3 channel.The reportage shows a bits of recording session of the new album. Alizée talks a little bit on the video. 4th April 2010 Full page article of Alizée on Mexican “Excelsior” magazine. 5th April 2010 One and half page article on “Télé 7 Jours” magazine. 6th April 2010 Half page article on Direct Matin (#652). 7th April 2010 Alizée's interview is broadcasted on Europe 1 radiostation at 19h45. It was not a live broadcast but the interview was recorded on 6th April 2010. 7th April 2010 Alizée's interview Radio Contact. Also a video of the interview was released on their web page 7th April 2010 Half a page article on Glamour magazine (#74) talking about her past and present image, how it has changed. 8th April 2010 An interview on JT on Belgian channel La Une. 8th April 2010 Small article on DirectSoir magazine (#738). 8th April 2010 Alizée on the cover of Pink TV program guide. 10th April 2010 Interview of Alizée on Talents Aiguilles on Pink TV at 22h00. 10th April 2010 Old bits of Alizée's interviews (from 2000 & 2001) were shown on a show called Mylene Farmer Special. Also her clips were played partly on the show. The show was produced by M6. The show was shown on Saturday at 14h10, 18h30 and 23h00 and on Sunday 12h00, 15h00 and 21h00 on M6 Music Hits channel. 14th April 2010 Alizée on news show on LCI channel at 19h30. No video exist? 14th April 2010 Alizée's interview for show called “Watt's in” was released on ther Youtube channel. This caused some confusion because earlier it was told that she'd be on the actual TV show on Wéo channel (at 18h15), a regional TV channel for Nord Pas de Calais. However, only the Youtube video was released. 14th April 2010 Alizée is again on Europe 1 on the show “Et si c'était ça le bonheur” at 15h00. The interview is archived on their website. 15th April 2010 Alizée's interview on Face a Face on Belgian RTLinfo channel.The show was recorded on 1st April 2010. 16th April 2010 Institubes sends an email saying that the Limited edition of Limelight vinyl is delayed due to manufacturing problems. The new delivery date is 26th April 2010. 16th April 2010 Interview on L'invite show on TV5 at 18h20. The show was re-broadcasted on 19th April 2010 at 6h20 and 6h50. 16th April 2010 Alizée at Curio Parlor night club as an DJ. This was a private event. 18th April 2010 Reportage with small interview on “Absolument Stars” on M6. 18th April 2010 Alizée's interview on “Musichronik” on W9 at 12h25. 19th April 2010 Alizée attends the concert of Dorothée at l'Olympia in Paris. After the concert she met Dorothée in person on the backstage. 20th April 2010 Alizée's interview on “La tete dans les étoiles” on RTL radio channel at 14h30. The host was Laurent Boyer. 20th April 2010 Alizée's interview on “Grille pain” show on Belgian Pure FM radio channel at 8h15. 23rd April 2010 Alizée on Public magazine featuring a photo where Alizée is with Dorothée after her concert where Alizée attended. 28th April 2010 Claponline claimed that Alizée was supposed to be on “Le Grand Studio” for RTL radio channel but after the show turned out that it was false information released by the website. Alizée was not scheduled for the show. 29th April 2010 3 pages interview on “Tribu Move” magazine (#135). 29th April 2010 2 pages article on “Mainstream” magazine (#2), with a full page photo of her. 29th April 2010 Alizée's interview on Envy magazine. The article was written in form of agenda, showing some events of her personal life and her professional career. 4th May 2010 Alizée on Mexican “Notas Para Ti” magazine. 5th May 2010 A reportage of Alizée on Mr VIP on M6 Music Hits at 21h00. It included an interview and some videos from the showcase at Point FRM. 6th May 2010 Alizée on “So Foot” magazine (#76). 7th May 2010 An interview on Trax magazine (issue #135). 8th May 2010 Alizée gets mentioned on Voici magazine (#1174) with a photo from Curio Parlor. 12th May 2010 Alizée is on TV recordings (starting 20h30) for “Génération 90” (hosted by Nikos) on TF1. The studio was Palais des Sports in Paris. She sings Moi... Lolita and Moi... Kévina (with Elie Semoun), an parody of Moi... Lolita for show called “La soirée du Rire”. The version of Moi... Lolita was slightly different from the original. She had to sing Moi... Kévina twice because the first duet with Elie turned out to be complete disaster and they ended up laughing. “Gérération 90” show will be broadcasted on 31st July 2010. “La soirée du Rire” show will be broadcasted on 21st August 2010. 14th May 2010 Half a page article on “Marianne” magazine (#682). 23rd May 2010 One page article on Mexican “Dia Siete” magazine (#508). 25th May 2010 A video interview on Ados.fr website. 26th May 2010 A small article on Musique Info magazine. 27th May 2010 Alizée finished 2nd place on FHM poll “Les 100 femmes les plus sexy du monde” (“The 100 most sexy ladies on the world”) featuring a full page (sexy) photo of Alizée on the FHM magazine. June 2010 Photo of Alizée with Alain Chamfort on “Tetu” magazine (#157) celebrating their 15th anniversary. 1st June 2010 Alizée on show called “Ma Corse me suit partout” on France 3 Corse. The show was recorded for “I pescadore in festa” (“The fishermens fiesta”), which is a Corsican fiesta. 4th June 2010 Alizée on Cosmopolitan magazine (#440) with a unreleased photo from Psychédélices era photoshoot inside her Parisian apartment. 7th June 2010 Alizée on the rercordings of “Toute la musique qu-on aime” for TF1. The recording took place in St-Tropez and took two days (7th and 8th April). The broadcast is on 14th August 2010. 10th June 2010 A radio interview on Le 6/9 on NRJ from 8h00 to 9h00. Show hosted by Nikos Aliagas. 12th June 2010 Alizée interviewed live on “Vos plus belles années” on RTL at 11h30 (for one hour). The show is hosted by Patrick Sébastien and Rémi Castillo. 17th June 2010 Alizée is invited as “guest DJ” to Ritz Bar. During the night she plays her own choice of music. The event lasted from 20h00 to 02h00. 25th June 2010 Alizée is holding an autograph signing event at FNAC at Les Halles in Paris. 21st July 2010 Alizée appears on small teaser video for “Génération 90” show. The video is called “Les coulissses”. 27th July 2010 Alizée on rehearsal for the concert on the following day. 28th July 2010 Alizée is taking part of concert “Hommage a Serge Gainsbourg” in Opera house in Tel-Aviv in Israel. The Israel Jazz Orchestra was playing with her. The concert started at 20h30. She sang “Javanaise”, “Dis-lui toi que je t'aime” and “Dieu fumeur de havanes”. During the event she posted photos on her blog. 31st July 2010 The “Génération 90” show is broadcasted on TF1 showing Alizée's Moi... Lolita performance. Host of the show is Nikos. 2nd August 2010 A reportage is on Israelian TV showing a footage from the rehearsal of the concert. The rehearsal was on 27th July 2010. 5th August 2010 A small trailer was shown on TV for the concert broadcast in Israel. 10th August 2010 The concert is broadcasted on Israelian TV, showing interview of Alizée and two songs of her (second song only partly). 14th August 2010 Alizée interviewed on “Toute la musique qu'on aime” on TF1. The host was Nikos Aliagas and the show was recorded on the streets of St-Tropez where Nikos walks around with the Alizée and other artists. In between scenes some music videos were shown and Nikos & the artists talked about them. The show was recorded 7th and 8th of June 2010. 21st August 2010 The show “Le soirée du Rire” on TF1. The host of the show is Jeun-Pierre Foucault. Alizée sings “Moi... Kévina” with Elie Semoun (see 12th May 2010 for more information). 24th September 2010 Alizée releases a photo on Facebook with BB Brune from rehearsal for the upcoming concert (26th September 2010). Also the song name leaks out when a small teaser video of the rehearsals appears online. 26th September 2010 Alizée takes part of 6th Musik'elles festival held in outerskirts of Paris, in Meaux. She is there as a guest for BB Brunes and sings “Laisse tombes les filles” with them. Tho concert lasted from 16h00 to 22h30. During the concert she releases some photos on Facebook from the backstage. 27th September 2010 A short video of the concert is released on internet with extract of Alizée's performance. 8th December 2010 Alizée tells on her Facebook page that the new christmas song is coming soon. She also releases couple photos with the band members. 16th December 2010 Tahiti Boy & The Palmtree Family releases christmas song called “Such a Special Time (It's Xmas Tonight)” featuring Alizée. 18th December 2010 A small reportage of Alizée on Star Story – Tops et Flops 2010 show on Direct Star channel.