18th January 2012 The last photo (uploaded by Alizée on Instagram) where we can see the wedding and engagement rings of Alizée that were given by Jérémy. 1st February 2012 Alizée takes part of Le Bal des Enfoirés in Lyon during from 1st Februaty till 6th February. 1st February 2012 RMJ Photography releases a photo where Alizée is no longer wearing her wedding ring (and has never wore it again after this date). 11th February 2012 Alizée appears on Beach Soccer charity event in Monaco. 16th February 2012 “Voici” releases an article on their website claiming that Alizée is in love with another French singer, Matt Pokora. They seemed to be very close during Les Enfoirés and few days later in the Beach Soccer event in Monaco which propelled up the rumours. “Closer” magazine follows the rumour and we will see article in both magazines later during the week. 17th February 2012 “Voici” releases a video taken in Monaco showing Alizée and M. Pokora. 17th February 2012 Several website are releasing articles about Alizée and M. Pokora. Many of the articles disappeared when the rumour turned out to be false nad “Voici” was sued by Alizée. 18th February 2012 “Voici” magazine is released with an article of Alizée and M. Pokora being in love. They are featured on the cover page. 22nd February 2012 William Rejault is interviewing Alizée for OFF TV. The release date of the interview will be 18th April 2012. The interview concentrates on Alizée's and Alain Chamfort's duet of “Clara veut la Lune”. 24th February 2012 William Rejault releases the first out of three “bonus answers” (three questions were selected from the questions sent by fans on twitter) on Youtube that were asked from Alizée after the recording of OFF TV interview. The first video is entitles as “Nouvel album 2012 ?” (“New album 2012 ?”) and as the title suggest brings up the question of the release date of the upcoming album. 25th February 2012 William Rejault releases the second out of three “bonus answers” entitles as “Danse avec les stars 2012 ?”. Alizée was asked if she'd be interested of taking part of the show with the same name as rumours said she might be practicing dancing for it. 26th February 2012 William Rejault releases the third out of three “bonus answers”. Video is entitles “Alizée et M.Pokora : info ou intox ?” where he asks Alizée if she would marry M. Pokora ! (Read above more about the rumour started by Voici magazine of Alizée's and M. Pokora's relationship.) The answer is: no. But it still leaves the fans without a straight answer about their relationship because how the question was asked... 10th March 2012 “Voici” releases small article where they inform that Alizée is about to sue them for 50,000 euros for fabricated article of Alizée & M. Pokora being couple. They claim Alizée saying that she was “extremely shocked” and “very disturbed” by the article. Even though, few days later in William Réjault's interview she did not deny the rumour nor seemed anyway stressful about it, even laugh on it. 11th March Alizée’s blog informs us that Alizée is today shooting the video for her single “Les Collines (never leave you)”. Throughout the day several photos and comments are uploaded onto the blog. 14th March 2012 M. Pokora denies any relationship between Alizée and him. 17th March 2012 “Voici” is mad at Alizée! First they were sued for 50,000 euros for telling rumour Alizée and M. Pokora to be couple and now they are sued for 70,000 euros for telling that they are not together! 17th March 2012 Alizée writes on Facebook at 18h49 that she will be on the next “Mondial du tatuage” as a guest of Tin-Tin (the tattoo artist who made for example the Tinkerbell tattoo). 26th March 2012 Recording of Sidaction show. Will be broadcasted on 31st March 2012. The recording took a place in Théâtre Mogador, in Paris. 31st March 2012 Broadcast of Sidaction show (“Les stars chantent la tete dans les étoiles”) at 20h35 on France 2 channel. During the show she sings "Les couleurs du temps” with Amel Bent and Adamo. 18th April 2012 OFF TV interview is put on their official website for streaming. 4th May 2012 Photoshoot for Paris Match with Alain Chamfort for promoting his new album. 21st May 2012 Recording of "Tout pour la musique - Spécial Michel Berger". Broadcast will be on 8th June 2012. 8th June 2012 Broadcast of "Tout pour la musique - Spécial Michel Berger". Alizée sings "Ma déclaration". She also takes part of “Musique” sung by Shy'm with Chimene Badi and Claire Keim. 19th June 2012 There is an article of Alizée on “Star Girl” magazine (issue #7). 26th June 2012 A newsletter is sent to fans telling that Alizée invites all the fans to join to watch a live chat on 27th June 2012 on her official website. A questions could be sent via Jive Epic by either using twitter, facebook or email. 26th June 2012 Alizée attends “Gala de danse” of Monique Mufraggi. She is not shown on the stage but she uploaded photos on Instagram from the back stage. 27th June 2012 Alizée appears on live chat on her official website at 19h00. After a minute of technical problems and checking the chat begins. The chat was roughly 12 minutes and the full chat is later uploaded by Jive Epic on internet. At the end of chat she announces a surprise for the fans, the following day her new single “A cause de l'automne” would be on her official website starting from 17h00. 28th June 2012 The first single (“A cause de l'automne”) from the fifth album is pre-released on her official website at 17h00 for restricted audience. Only those who subscribe to the fan newsletter are able to listen to it and it is limited to three listenings. 28th June 2012 A fan newsletter, with a small video of Alizée, is sent reminding that the new single is now available on her official website. 28th June 2012 Alizée spends most of the day in a studio for a photoshoot for the promotion of the new single and the album. The photographer is Marco Dos Santos. Also Tokyobanhbao (a friend of Alizée) is in the studio and provides some “making of” photos. 29th June 2012 Alizée uploads on instagram the cover art of the new single. 30th June 2012 Alizée uploads a compilation video on Facebook featuring the backstage of “Gala de danse” of Monique Mufraggi. It is not known if the video is taken solely by her or if it is combined from other people's videos. 30th June 2012 Alizée Art reveals that the original writer of the “A cause de l'automne” is a British song writer Pete Russell, working for DWB Music label. The song was originally written in English and was called “Never Again”. The rights for the song was bought by Sony Music Entertainment and the song was rewritten in French by Jean-Jacques Goldman. 1st July 2012 Alizée Art is in contact with the original author, Pete Russell, who confirms the information given out the day earlier. Also Pete reveals new informations why and how the single ended up to Alizée. 3rd July 2012 Voici magazine has an small article about Alizée's possibly participation in “Danse avec les stars” show that will start in fall 2012. 4th July 2012 The new single is released and becomes available on French iTunes and Amazon.fr. 5th July 2012 The official website changes to promote the new single. 12th July 2012 A newsletter is sent to the fans announcing Numbered Limited Collector's Edition of the new album, which also has pre-order available from the same day and ending 21st September 2012, at 8h00. The release date is said to be 1st October 2012. The Limited Collector's Edition will be a round hat box (22cm diameter, 10cm high) with exclusive content including: - the new album - a photonovel featuring Alizée - 7-inch picture disc in an octagonal sleeve - an “Alizée” tattoo - a numbered certification card Also, the pre-order will qualify for free download of her new single “A cause de l'automne”. 15th July 2012 The music video for the new single was shot near by Ajaccio, Corsica. The director of the video clip is Laurent Darmon. Joseph Jacotey took some “making of” photos during the shooting. 16th July 2012 Alizée's personal emails got hacked and her personal photos stolen. Voici magazine released article on their website with a provocative title “Des photos privées d'Alizée volées par un pirate ! Bientôt nue sur le net ?” (“Private photos of Alizée was stolen by a hacker! Soon naked on the net?”) 20th July 2012 Alizée visited Alta Rocca in the southern Corsica. 24th July 2012 The official Alizée Store got English translation and order form in English for the Limited Collector's Edition Album. 18th August 2012 Alizée on "Closer" magazine article called "Quel est leur vrai nom ?" ("what is their real name?"). The options were: a) Alice Hey b) Elise Volatile c) Alizée Jacotey 20th August 2012 An article of Alizée on "Star Girl" magazine (#8). 20th August 2012 Alizée mentioned on "Télé 7 Jours" magazine with small photo from Psychédélices era. 21st August 2012 Alizée shared many photos of her birthday party on Instagram and thanked those who sent her birthday wishes over the Internet. 22nd August 2012 Sony Music México changed their Facebook cover photo to promote Alizée's new single. 28th August 2012 Alizée Art announces that the album is delayed until November the earliest. ( source: Alizée Art The same time the video clip of "A cause de l'automne" is expected for early september (which got moved again without later notice, until the leak. Read the entry for 19th September for more information). 3rd September 2012 Alizée announces on Facebook that her upcoming fifth album will be delayed few weeks. She tells that they are working hard on the album and hopes to finish it soon. "Hello a tous, Je suis encore en studio avec mon équipe pour travailler sur le nouvel album. Nous avons plein de titres, de jolies surprises, pour vous préparer au mieux un tres bel album, j'espere qu'il vous plaira ! J'ai hâte de vous le faire partager mais il ne sera pas pret pour le 1er octobre... il va encore falloir patienter quelques semaines. Je vous en dirai plus tres bientôt. Merci de votre patience ! Je vous embrasse, Alizée" 4th September 2012 The shipping date of "Collector's Box" changed from 1st October to 1st December. But it seemed to be just temporary adjustment from the beginning. 4th September 2012 Against earlier information, Alizée Art announces that the writer of the lyrics of "A cause de l'automne" is not Jean-Jacques Goldman but Thomas Boulard. 6th September 2012 NightSteve, a promoter of night club called KesWest Complexe, is telling on Twitter that Alizée will be there as a DJ guest on 22nd of September 2012. The KesWest Complexe is located in Paris and is the biggest nightclub in the city. ( source: NightSteve on Twitter ) 9th September 2012 Fan site of Jean-Jacques Goldman tells that the album will be delayed until early 2013. ( source: alizee-forum.com ) 14th September 2012 Alizée announces on her Facebook page that the album is delayed till early 2013. It will contain lots of surprises. They are working hard and she's sorry for the delay. Hello a tous ! Comme je l'annonçais il y a quelques jours, on est toujours en studio, et on travaille d'arrache-pied ! L'album sortira tout début 2013, avec beaucoup de surprises dedans. Hey, on vient de recevoir le miroir de la boîte Collector ! voici une photo pour vous. Je vous remercie encore une fois de votre patience, et des messages de soutien que nous avons reçus suite a l'annonce du décalage. A tres vite, on continue a vous tenir au courant ! Bises Alizée The date on pre-order page is changed to 23rd of January 2013. But it will most likely change one more time because the date is the same as the beginning of Les Enfoirés concerts. It would be very unwise to release an album during that time frame as Les Enfoirés steals all the attention and Alizée could not attend both at the same time. 18th September 2012 PS3 VidZone leaks music video of "A cause de l'automne". Soon after the video can be find everywhere on the streaming sites. Not much after Sony starts to try to remove the video from internet but it is already too late. 19th September 2012 Jive Epic announces on Twitter that the screencaptures circulating on the internet are not from the "official clip" of A cause de l'automne. They claims they are just taken during Alizée's album recording on Corsica. What they fail to say is that Alizée and her team themselves announced that shooting this video on 15 July 2012. They also were very excited about it and even more near the end of August when the video was supposed to be released official before the album was announced to be delayed. They also fail to tell that truth that Alizée is recording the album in Paris and Brussel instead of Corsica. They tells new release date of the official clip to be at the end of October. 22nd September Alizée had a DJ set at the biggest Parisian night club called Kes West. During the night she also met lots of fans and gave them dedications and a chance to take a photo with her. She was there with Pierre-Antoine and "Nightsteve", a promoter with whom Alizée had several other events during 2012. Lots of photos and videos available at: Alizée Forum. 22nd September Long reportage of Alizée on Mexican television on channel ForoTV at 20h Mexican time (3h French time on 23rd September). The reportage covered pretty much all of her career, although, it did include several mistakes. Also many music videos were played during the reportage. Full reportage with and English translation can be watched at: Alizée Art. 23rd September The music video of "A cause de l'automne" is added on Alizée's official Dailymotion account. This is the same video that is by Sony to be said non-existent. Source (link dead): Dailymotion Another source: Alizée Forum The video was later deleted (date unknown but it happened propably in October). 24th September Bilitis posted on Facebook a screencapture of a video she is editing. On facebook she told "Capture d?écran du teaser en préparation, concert Alizée au Mexique", which translates to "Screencapture of the teaser in preparation, Alizée's concert in México". She also tells that there will be special section of Alizée on her website with unseen videos and other goodies. Source: Alizée Forum. 26th September The rumour got confirmed, Alizée will not be a part of "Danse avec les stars" (2012 edition). 26th September Bilitis clears up some questions about the upcoming videos. She tells that the videos will be completely unofficial and they have been taken on her free time during various events when she was working with Alizée. 26th September Rumours according to Paris Match is saying that the album is postponed until March 2013. 28th September An unseen fotage from Le Zénith (2004) concert was uploaded on Youtube. Source : Alizée Forum 29th September Bilitis posted more information about the upcoming videos: Film 1 - 1m30s - Alizée at concert in México Film 2 - about 2m - Dedication event in México Film 3 - about 2m - Alizée in Moscow (NOTE: the name is later known as "Film 4") Film 4 - about 2m - Alizée in México outside the concerts (NOTE: the name is possibly later known as "Film 6?") She also informed that the first video would be online the following week. 30th September The first video from Bilitis was uploaded on Vimeo. Source: Alizée Forum The first video ("Film 1") features Alizée during her Mexican concerts. The video footage is mostly from Guadalajara but also videos from Puebla, Monterrey and Mexico City was used. 2nd October "Alizée Pure Fans Session" on Facebook reveals that the album is retro pop, similar style to "A cause de l'automne". It's supposed to be very good, homogenous and well done with real instruments including strings and drums more present than on the single. Thomas Boulard should have more than one song on the album. It should be similar to "Be my baby" by Vanessa Paradis. Source: Alizée Forum 10th October Another DJ set was announced on twitter. This time it would be in Avignon on 26th of October. Source: Alizée Forum. 13th October "Alizée Pure Fans Session" starts a rumour telling that the album might never see the day light. There should not be any physical album sold other than the Collector's Edition. Normal version of the album would be only sold on the internet. Source: Alizée Forum 16th October Sony sends an official Alizée newsletter to put end to recent rumours. They say that the album will be released on the first quarter of 2013. They say the album was originally scheduled for October but postponed to polish it. The exact date will be given later. Due to changed dates, the new single "A cause de l'automne" is not sent for radio play. The reason why it is not heard on radio. The official music video should be shot in November. Source: Alizée Forum 18th October Alizée live on radio broadcast on Europe 1. The show was broadcasted from famous "Folies Bergere" theatre, in Paris, during premier of "Salut les copains" show. The host of the show was Nikos Aliagas. The show started at 20h. Source: Alizée Art The show was video streamed on the net and recording of it can be watched at Alizée Art. 20th October Bilitis releases her second ("Film 2") Alizée related video. The second video is about the dedication event in Mexico City after her Mexican concert tour. Source: Alizée Art 23rd October Sony upload a teaser video on Alizée's official Youtube channel. On the video we can see a notes for a unheard song "Je veux bien". Source: Youtube. 24th October There was a reporatage of Alizée on "Acces Prive" program on M6 channel. The video included some unseen footage. Source: Alizée Forum. 26th October Alizée had a DJ set in Carré Rouge night club in Avignon. Alizée was accompagnied by Pierre-Antoine and her old make-up artist friend Bilitis. Plenty of photos and information at Alizée Art. 26th October Alizée posts on Facebook an image that reminds the gun barrel image seen at the beginning of every James Bond 007 film. She says "Si je vous montre ça, vous pensez a quoi ?" ("if I post this, what would you think?"). Source: Facebook 28th October Alizée announced on twitter to have a photoshoot on the following day. 28th October The "Acces Prive" reportage on M6 channel (from 24th Oct) was re-broadcasted at 10h30. 28th October Alizée adds another image on Facebook, again reminds of the opening of James Bond movie, this time with silhuet of James Bond also in the image. this time telling "2eme indice, tout le monde voit de quoi on parle la ?!" ("2nd clue, everyone understands what we are talking about?"). Source: Facebook 29th October As announced the day earlier, Alizée had a photoshoot with Julien Lachaussée (website). Source Alizée Forum 29th October Another James Bond images is added on her Facebook page with a message "Alors a votre avis, pourquoi ces indices ?. ??" ("So, your view, why these clues??"). Source: Facebook 29th October Alizée tells that she has a photoshoot during the day. She posts couple photos on Instgram, including a photo without any makeup, and a photo after the photoshoot but nothing during the photoshooot. 29th October The last James Bond clue comes with message "Attention, réponse demain?" (attention, tomorrow the answer...". Source: Facebook 30th October Alizée announces that the official music video of "A cause de l'automne" is filmed today. She posts on Facebook again small reference to James Bond. Source: Facebook Plenty of photos during the shooting of the music video is released on internet by various people (by Alizée, Bilitis, William Réjault). Source: Alizée Forum The director of the video is Arnaud Delord and the producer is Léo Hinstin. Source: Alizée Forum It seems like she is wearing a hair extension (a pony tail) during part of the shooting. 4th November Bilitis uploaded on Vimeo a video (known as "Film 3") from Alizée's Carré Rouge DJ set from October 26th. The video is 3 minutes and 34 seconds long. Source: Alizée Art. 7th November Another DJ set is announced. This time it will be in "Le Chat Noir" in Dijon on 23rd of November. Source: Alizée Art. 12th November It is announced that the first ticket sale for Les Enfoirés 2013 will start on 27th of November 9am. Source: Alizée Forum 14th November On the official website of Les Enfoirés, the name of the show in 2013 is revealed. The name will be "La boite a musique des Enfoirés" ("The music box of Enfoirés"). 20th November Video teaser of the upcoming DJ Set is uploaded on the official Youtube channel of Le Chat Noir. Source: Alizée Forum 22nd November Bilitis releases another video on her website. This time the video (originally known as "Film 3", as announced 29th of September, now known as "Film 4") is about her Russian trip and the concert over there. Source Alizée Art 23rd November Alizée had a DJ set in "Le Chat Noir" night club in Dijon. She was there with Pierre-Antoine and Bilitis. During the DJ set she met some fans and gave autographs and had photos taken with them. Photos & other information: Alizée Art. 26th November William Réjault releases batch of photos from the filming of the official music video of "A cause de l'automne" on his website. Source: Alizée Art 27th November The ticket sale for Les Enfoirés 2013. Two thirds of the available tickets was sold. The remaining one third will be sold couple weeks before the concerts in January 2013. 29th November William Réjault released the second batch of the photos from the filming of Alizée's music video. Source: Alizée Forum 1st December The first ever Alizée Advent Calendar was released on Alizée Art. An un-official project of a fan. Source: Alizée Forum 1st December It's announced that the official clip of "A cause de l'automne" will be on AlizéeVevo channel on Youtube on 6th of December. 3rd December Alizée was interviewed for "Hebdo Musique Mag" on France 2 channel. Source: Alizée Forum 3rd December Alizée posts on Instgram that she's visiting the studio for the album. 4th December It's announced that Alizée will be on "Mona FM" radio channel for an interview on 7th December. Mona FM is also announcing the album to come out in February. Source: Facebook of Mona FM 4th December Alizée had a photoshoot with Julien Lachaussée for her upcoming fifth album. The photoshoot took place in "Millennium Hotel Paris Opera" in Paris (9th arrondissement). Alizée posted several photos on Instagram. The photoshoot was finished after midnight. Source: Alizée Forum. 4th December The first teaser video of the new music video is uploaded on Alizée's youtube channel. The teaser shows the opening scene of the clip with clear references to James Bond 007. Source: Alizée Forum Later the day the second teaser video is also uploaded on the Youtube. Alizée announces on Twitter that the rendez-vous for the new clip is tomorrow at 10am. 5th December Julien Lachaussée posted some photos from the photoshoot day earlier. Source: Alizée Forum 5th December A change on the official website. The "Teaser 2" of the new music video was added on it. 5th December A new photo from her photoshoot in 28th June 2012 was uploaded as Alizée's profile photo on several services (Facebook, Youtube). Source: Alizée Forum 5th December "Hebdo Musique Mag" announces on their Facebook page that Alizée's interview will be broadcasted on 5th of January 2013. Source: Alizée Forum 5th December The clip is released on Youtube one day earlier than originally announces. The video is very similar to the opening scenes of James Bond movies. Source: Alizée Art 5th December On the most recent Alizée newsletter Sony confirms the release date of the fifth album to be in February. 5th December It is announced that Alizée will be on radio MFM at 7h45 on 6th of December. Source: Alizée Forum 6th December Alizée attended an opening of a new Olympus camera store in Paris. In the event was other celebrities also (for example Lorie and Nikos Aliagas). Source: Alizée Art 6th December Making-of video of the newest music video is uploaded on internet by "Elle Adore" website. Source: Alizée Forum 6th December "Charts in France" puts online an image that is supposed to be the new cover of the single (or possible of the album?). Source: Alizée Forum 6th December The exact release date is confirmed to be 25th of February 2013. Source: Alizée Forum 6th December Interview on MFM radio station on show called "Les buzz people" at 7h45. Short recording of the interview is added on their website. Source: Alizée Forum 7th December Alizée was on "Mona FM" radio station at 9am. 7th December It's announced that interview will be on Inked magazine that will be released on 27th of December. 8th December "Gala" magazine released on their website a small video of the opening event of Olympus store. Source: Alizée Forum 10th December A Facebook contest starts where two fans can win a chance to participate Alizée's fifth album's avant-premiere (before premier) event to listen her new album before anyone else. The contest will end on 14th January 2013 and the winners will be announced on the following day. The rules of the contest also gives a clue of the name of the new album. In the rules it says "en avant-premiere de l?album « A cause de l?automne » de l?artiste Alizée" which would mean the name to be same as the newest single "A cause de l'automne". This can be misinformation. Source: Alizée Forum 10th December Alizée confirms the interview on Inked magazine with additional info that she will be on the cover of the magazine. Source: Alizée Forum 11th December "A cause de l'automne" is played first time on radio RFM. Tweeted by Alizée. Source: Alizée Forum 11th December A live radio interview is announced. This time on RFM channel on show called "Noël du Meilleur des Réveils". Broadcast date will be 21st of December 2012. There will be several other artists also. The show is recorded in Paris with live audience. Source: Alizée Forum 14th December William Réjault uploads on Youtube a video featuring Alizée during the filming of the official clip of "A cause de l'automne". The video has music by Eric Serra, feature on Nikita sountrack. Source: Alizée Forum 14th December It's annnounced that Alizée will be on "On repeint la musique" show on France Bleu at 14h. Source: Alizée Forum 15th December Alizée on France Bleu on show called "On repeint la musique". 15th December Alizée tells on Instgram that she is currently (at 19h) in practice for Spécial Jean-Jacques Goldman show that will be recorded on 17th December. 17th December Alizée took part in the recordings of Spécial Jeac-Jacques Goldman. She sang "Americain" with Chimene Badi. Also sang another song. 18th December Alizée confirmed her participation on Les Enfoirés 2013. Also expressed her interest on Le Beach Soccer 2013 in Monaco. 21st December Alizée made an appearance on show called "Le Meilleur des Réveils" on RFM radio channel. She stayed two hours in the studio and video stream of it was available on their website. Alizée also sang live her newest single "A cause de l'automne" 28th December Inked magazine was released with AlizA©e on the cover. Issue number is #13, for January/February 2013. Source AlizA©e Art 29th December Alizée had an another DJ set, this time in small town called Saint-Hilaire-du-Harcouet, located in Lower Normandy. The place chosen was La Taverna. Alizée was accompanied by Pierre-Antoine. Source: Alizée Art